Chapter 7 - Answer

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Kelli's POV

I walked into school feeling more nervous then excited. Just then, Molly ran over to me. "Happy birthday, Kelli." She said. "Oh and how do you like it here?" She hugged me. "Thanks, and I love it here already." I said. "I'm so glad I transferred." Then I caught sight of Brian. He waved to me once he saw me, so I jogged over. I couldn't believe it. He sang. He frikkin sang. It sent chills up and down my spine. I was in awe like always.

He finished singing and I gave him a hug. "Thank you!" I said. "Wait until next year." He said. "Oh god." I said. "Oh and about that question last night." "What's your answer?" He asked. "I still don't know." I said. "I'm nervous." "C'mon, nervous?" He asked. "You? Nervous? Since when are you nervous?" "Have I told you about my social anxiety?" I asked. "Oh, you do?" He said. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." "It's fine." I said. "Whenever I get anxiety, I get lightheaded and dizzy and I'm on the edge of passing out."


Brian's POV

I knew that. I can read her mind for crying out loud. I know she wants to say yes, but she doesn't know how to say it. I don't blame her though. When I get nervous, I can't control my ability and my eyes turn red. No one world be surprised. Everyone knows everyone and what they are. She just seems like a normal human. Nothing really special that I know of right now. Honestly I just want to see if she's like me. Maybe she doesn't know what she is yet and I could help her. If she's a human, I could turn her. As these thoughts circled through my mind.

I was out of my trance with Kelli waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello?" She kept saying. "Brian?" "Oh, sorry." I said. "My bad. I just lost my train of thought." She looked at me like I was crazy. "You were thinking something." She said. "What was it?" I shrugged. "I don't know." I said. "It'll come back to me." She put her hands on her hips. "I'll let you know tonight." she said disgusted. "Okay then." I said. "What class do you have first?" "Astronomy." She said. "Boring as fuck." "Oh, I have Concert Choir." I said.

She then crossed her arms. "Lucky!" she said. "Do you have to tryout for that?" "yeah." I said. "Maybe you'll make it for next year. I don't know when auditions are, but I have no doubt that you'll make it." "I do hope so." She said. "Well the bell rings in like a few seconds. Three two one." The bell rang. "How?" I asked. "I can hear." She said. "I have ears." I gave her a puzzled look. However, as soon as I saw the look, she quickly reacted. "Got to go." She said. "I'll let you know the answer at the end of the day. I'm in math for the long block." "Alright." I said. "Suits me."

"Then see you later." She said. "I don't wanna be late." "You have ten minutes, Kelli." I said. "Relax. You'll be fine." "I'm all the way upstairs, alright?" She demanded. "And I'm all the way on the other side." I said, gesturing towards the far hallway towards the gym. She rolled her eyes as I watched her walk up the stairs. I then teleported to the band room once she was out of sight.

There, I found Kylie and Cullen. "So, what did she say?" Kylie asked. "She said that she'll tell me after last block." I said. They looked disappointed. "Brian." Cullen said. "I still don't think she'll say yes." "There's something called reading her mind." I said. "She doesn't know how to say yes. She's nervous."

"Is she human?" Kylie asked. "You can read her mind after all." "Well, not all of it." I said. "I don't know exactly why she's nervous." "Well, if she actually says yes, then when you are ready, transform in front of her and see how she reacts." Cullen said. "I don't know how she'd react to me as a vampire." I said. "You never know." Cullen said. "She might be one too." "Well, I know she's not because I've never seen her eyes turn red in front of me." I said. "I have." Kylie said. "But not red. Her eyes looked hazel."

"Still, Kylie." I said. "I think that would have just been the light reflecting off her eyes. Plus, her eyes are brown. They were brown to begin with." "Okay, then what makes her different than us?" Cullen asked. "We're vampires and she's a human." I said. All of concert choir and Sachems Singers are vampires. Kelli I'd the only normal one." "Define... normal." Hannah Bradley said butting into the conversation. I face palmed and slumped into my seat in the tenor section.


Kelli's POV

The bell rang in math and I went to lunch. Hanging out with Erin, Skyla, Desiree, and Emma was fun. We just talked and they and others around me wished me a happy birthday. "So, what did you say?" Molly asked walking over to me. "Wait, how did you know?" I asked. "I just know that he totally likes you." She said. "I'd lay low for a bit." Erin said. "I don't trust him." I just drowned them out until the bell rang.

I walked back to class. Emma caught up with me. "You alright?" She asked. "Yea, I just don't know what to say." I said. "I'm scared. This would be my first legit boyfriend." "I'd go for it." She said. "I see the way you look at him. It's okay." I smiled as we walked back to class.

...time skip...

The bell rang to go home. I got up and walked out the door of the classroom. Just then, I felt my bag being pulled away from me. I was forced to a stop. I looked behind me. It was Brian. "Hey." He said. "So, what is the birthday girl's answer?" "Well, I thought about it the whole day." I said. "And the answer is yes."

He pulled me into a tight embrace. I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. "So, what are you doing today?" He asked. "I'm gonna go for a run and then take a shower so my family and I can go to Olive Garden for dinner." "May I run with you?" He asked. "Sure." I said. "I'm actually gonna run home if that's okay with you. My mother is gonna take my bag and I'll be good. I'm gonna be in the locker room."

...time skip...

Juliana has already teleported my bag home and I was in running clothes. I walked out to the parking lot. "Damn!" Brian said. "You sure you're a runner? Cause damn." I couldn't help but blush.

We stopped after route 44 on Plympton street. "You live on this street?" He asked. "I live five minutes away from you." "Nice." I said. "That's about five miles from my house." He smiled as we started running again. Here's me, trying not to transform. And I see Brian's eyes turning red. I was puzzled. It was probably just the light reflecting off the eyes.

We arrived at the end of my driveway. "It's been a nice run." He said. "We should do this more often." "Agreed." I said. He then put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close. Soon, everything seemed to stop as he pulled me into a kiss.

"Betcha you weren't expecting that." He said. I nodded. "Happy birthday, Kelli." He said as we parted. He ran off and I walked down my driveway. Wow. A turning point in my life and a boyfriend. Wasn't expecting that at all.

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