Chapter 3 - Brian

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Kelli's POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Um, who is that?" I asked. No answer. I breathed in quietly to make out the scent of the person behind me. 'I have a feeling it's the guy who was stalking me.' I thought. "You guessed right." A male voice said behind me. My eyes widened. 'How could he know what I was thinking?' I thought. I fixed my tuning fork necklace to control myself. I decided to turn around. I looked up at an upperclassman. A junior to be exact. I felt chills go up and down my spine. "Um, hi." I said, still nervous. I was shocked that he knew what I was thinking.

"What are you scared of?" He asked. "You did really good." "T-thank you." I said. "I um h-heard you sing earlier." I couldn't stop stuttering. I was so nervous that I kept fixing my necklace. My breathing started to shorten. I started to get a bit dizzy. My vision started to fog up in yellow light. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea, I guess." I said. "I'm Kelli."

"Brian." He said. "And have I seen you before?" "I don't think so." I said. "Because you do look familiar." He said. "How do I look familiar?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. "I just remember seeing someone looking a lot like you somewhere else." I really didn't remember when and where if I ever saw him before. I decided to ask him a few questions. "And how long ago was that?" I asked. "I dunno, July?" "And where?" I asked. "It was some sort of carnival." He said. "It was where the softball fields were."


Brian's POV

After I said carnival and softball fields, Kelli's eyes widened. Again, she looked scared. I felt her pulse going up. I saw her turn tan. I mean, her skin turned a little darker, like she got a five second sun tan. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "Because, you're shaking." Her heartbeat was increasing speed and her blood pressure was going up. She even broke a sweat on her forehead. She was panting as the drop of sweat blended in with her makeup. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was starting to shorten.

"Um, do you need to go to the nurse?" I asked. "You're pretty tense." "Yea," Kelli said. "I just need to stand up and walk around." I helped her up. Just then, I saw a yellow light come from her face as she got dizzy. Next thing I knew, her knees buckled from under her and she started to fall. I caught her as her friends ran towards us. "I didn't do anything." I said. I could tell that all the blood wasn't getting to her head. I looked at the clock. It was 8:00. Halfway through first block and she already passes out. And Mr. Kidd was only halfway through the singers.

"Dude." Cullen said. "I didn't think you'd talk to her, but she freaking passes out in front of you. Did you happen to know she is not like us?" "I have no idea what you are talking about." I said. "Oh, she'll tell you when she's ready." He said. "She was scared because I startled her." I said. "No one would pass out just because of one scare." He said. "There's something odd." "Oh, shush." I said. "If there is, there is. No big deal. Must be dehydration or hunger. Those are causes of fainting."

I grabbed my water bottle and walked back over to Kelli. I shook her shoulder. "Kelli, wake up." I said. Her eyes started to open. "What happened?" She asked. "I just blacked out for a second there. What did I miss?" "Not much." I said. "Here, drink some water. You'll feel better." She sat up as she took the water. "Thanks." She said. "Sorry about that." "So, what made you pass out?" I asked.

She was hesitant. "Um, uh, I don't know." She said. I could tell she knew. "Yes you do." I said. "Please tell me." Then her breathing shortened again. "C'mon." I said. "Stop that. You can tell me." 'She has social anxiety, dude' Cullen said telepathically. 'Stop pressuring her.' I sighed. "Alright." I said. "You don't have to tell me." Her blood pressure went down and she was breathing normally again.

"Thanks." Kelli said. "I just don't like to talk about it." "It's alright." I said. "You're new. You're trying to adapt to your surroundings. I totally get it. Which school did you transfer from?" "Sacred Heart in Kingston." She said. I knew a few people that went there. I swear I saw her at the carnival trying to find her friends. I must know what she's up to. Then an idea came to me. "Wanna come with me to the homecoming dance?" I asked. People gasped. She looked at me. "Sure." She said.

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