Chapter 14 - cover

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Nick's POV

I appeared in Annabelle's room. "I have news!" I said, out of breath.

"What did you find? " she asked.

"I found  her in Maine. "

"Did you get an answer?"

"I...couldnt." I spat

"How so?"

"Her cousin..." I spat. "She threw-"

"Rachel?!" She screamed.

"No. It was someone else. She was younger than both of them. And they're closer related."

"But did you find out where she goes?"

I shook my head. "No."

"You disappoint me. Brian, come in here."

He walked in. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. His eyes glowed red.

"So you are a junior, right?"

He nodded. "Yes I am. You're a freshman, right?"

"So you go to the same school as Kelli, right?"


"Tell me." She said. "I need to find out by the end of the year. And Nick isn't helping me at all."

"Hey!" I screamed.

"She goes to Middleboro high school with me." He said. "What is your plan?"

"First, we will see how many students turn against her. Then you will try to bring her to me. By then, I will be fully recovered and I can kill her finally."

"Well, I don't know if it's the girl you want. I can look more into the subject and get her to spill the beans."

"I'll get Spencer and Brandon and then they could get the others. " I chimed in.

"Good." She said. "Now go. I need her asap."

...time skip...

Monday, February 1st 2016

Kelli's POV

Finals for the first semester was done. It was now the second half of school. So far, I haven't come across a wolf incident yet. Ever since Elizabeth stole my necklace, I have been trying to adapt to my hearing and surroundings. Just then, Brian came up to me. "Wanna go to the Winter Ball with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I said in a blank tone.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "You're not yourself."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said.

"You sure?" He asked. "You haven't talked to me about things. Can you please talk to me?"

"I'll be fine Brian." I have been keeping this secret from him ever since we started dating. I don't wanna tell him. He'd freak out and wanna hurt me.

I looked out at the doors. It wasn't snowing and there was no snow. Perfect. I could go for a run after school. The bell rung and Brian took my hand on the way to Sachems singers. I looked ahead, not looking at him.

Then I walked past a few other guys and a beautiful scent hit me. It was fresh cut grass, lemons, and honey. I didn't know who it came from, but I needed to know who it was. It could be crucial to my wolf life. I sniffed the air discretely trying not to blow my cover, cause damn, that smells good.

I watched as more students passed us looking at us weird. Then I came across Erin. "Hey." She said. "You're not acting like yourself." She then looked at Brian. "Oh, YOU'RE here." Her eyes turned a cold purple. And Brian's eyes turned red. Wait, could Erin be what I think she is? And she's willing to help me?

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