Chapter 5 - Running

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Elizabeth's POV

I met Kelli in English class and soon, the bell rang to go home. "Is your mother picking us up?" I asked. "My mother has to be in work until six." "I think so." Kelli said. "Let me call my mother." Then, I saw the guy stalking Kelli. He walked over to us. "Let me guess, you wanna talk to Kelli." I said. "Yea." He said. "I just wanna exchange numbers before I walk to work." "Well she's on the phone." I said. "Hold on." I texted my friend Juliana to teleport both Kelli's bag and my bag to Kelli's house. I made sure to stall him so he won't notice. Soon, Kelli got off the phone. "Shit." She said. "My mother is not gonna make it. She's stuck in traffic. She told us to take the bus home. I don't know what bus I'm on. Oh, hey Brian."

"Hey." Brian said. "I just want to have your phone number and maybe we can chat later." "Well, I am going to run today and I have a lot of homework." Kelli said. "Well, I'll just text you tonight then." He said. "Alright, sounds good." She said. "Elizabeth and I are going to run to my house." I elbowed her hard. "How far is your house from here?" He asked. "Well," she said. I interrupted. "Not far." I said. "We'll be fine."

"Alright." Brian said. "Bye girls." I waited until he walked away. "Kelli, you stupid idiot." I said. "You don't just say, 'oh, I'm running home.' You need to think about what to say to people that don't know what you are. Remember?" "Yea, you're right." Kelli said. "I got to be more careful since the necklace isn't working as much as it did before."


Brian's POV

I walked away. 'They're crazy.' I thought. 'Why run from school? They live so far from the school.' Well, I don't know where Kelli lives, but it seems far. Too far for an average girl to be running more than five miles. I feel like her house is about ten or so miles away. Knowing me, I'd be there in five minutes. I watched as the two girls started running. I saw something change within the girls. I couldn't make it out, but it looked animal like. I'm gonna see if I can get answers out of Kelli. If not, I'm gonna do things the hard way.


Kelli's POV

I looked at the time. We left at 1:55. I couldn't see my phone since I was running faster than usual. We stopped after we ran past route 44 and into the woods. "Let's stop for a second." Elizabeth said out of breath. "You're kidding right?" I said. "It's 2:05. Ten minutes. Ten minutes and you're out of breath. I've ran for an hour and I'm not out of breath." "Well we're in different clans." She said. "I don't think that makes a difference." I said. "Are you used to this? You've been like this since this passed spring. You should be getting used to your power." "Well, at least I don't black out every time I transform." She said. "It is a singing werewolf thing." I said. "You don't know when you're about to transform. That's a big problem."

She sighed. "I guess so." Elizabeth said. "I guess I am ready to keep running. I've caught my breath." "Alright." I said. "Now this time, I have an idea so you wont lose your breath." "And that is..." she said. "Change your breathing patterns." I said. "It works. I've done it many times that it just comes natural." "Alright." She said. "And how are you not sweating?" "It's the clan." I said. "Now, I wanna be home before my mother gets home." "Does she know about you?" She asked. "Yea." I said. "She was totally fine with it because my father and I are the same. So, if I say that I ran home, then she won't be phased by it. Neither will my father. He knows what it's like. Plus, he ran all the time until he blew out his knee before I was born." She stood silent for a minute. "Oh." She said. "Sorry. Let's just continue. I just wanna sleep." "Don't we all." I said.

...time skip...

We arrived at my house and we unlocked the door. The dog greeted us with whimpering and wagging her tail. We could understand her. 'Kelli!! Elizabeth!! Where have you been?' She whimpered. "We ran home." I said. 'You both?' She asked. "Yea." Elizabeth said. Shilo jumped. 'She understands me as well?! She's a werewolf too?' She barked.

"Yup." I said. "Not in my clan though." 'either way, I'm still happy you guys are back. I missed you guys.' She barked again. We continued petting her as she was painting and speaking. We then changed back into our human forms and walked into my room. "Kelli, what is wrong with you?" Elizabeth said as I closed the door. "Why did you tell Brian that? You could've gotten your cover blown. You'd give Annabelle a reason to find you at school. You like this school better than Sacred Heart and I can tell, but don't even try to make yourself miserable by revealing your werewolf form."

"Well, this necklace is not working." I said. "I need a wolf necklace so Rachel can fuse it's magic into the new one. And not the cloth necklace. That one's broken and I had to tie the string back to temporarily fix the damn thing." "We need to find one fast then." Elizabeth said. "How long can your necklace work until?" "Christmas eve." I said. "And it's a full moon that night, so I don't know what to do." "Well, your birthday is coming up." She said. "You'll be fifteen." "And I'll experience something different when I transform from then on." I said.

"So, when are you going running next?" She asked. "Oh, now you want to run." I said. "Alright. Whenever my mother can't pick us up, we'll run. Does Juliana know what to do?" "Yea." She said. "She knows about us and says she'll help us. She says to pres this button on my backpack and she'll be notified to teleport our bags. She'll text us when she does." "Alright." I said. We then played a bit of Minecraft until my mother came home.

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