Chapter 9 - The internal fight

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Kelli's POV

We arrived in Maine at 6:00 pm. Not even close to my grandparents house in Castine, where we were staying for the night. And from there, we would be five minutes from Penobscot. We had another four hours which includes stopping for food, bathroom breaks, and walking Shilo. We stopped in Kennebunk at a rest area to get dinner.

I had the choice of a burger, sandwiches, and chicken. Well, I didn't really have a choice. "I'm gonna get us some Popeye's Chicken." My father said as he and I walked in. "Your mother is walking Shilo and we will join her after we get food." "Alright." I said. "I'll be right back." I walked to the bathroom and did what I had to do. Then, I waited until most of the people were out of the room. I stared into the mirror. I watched as my eyes turned yellow. Luckily, I wore my outfield shades on top of my head.

I got another call from Rachel. "Hey." I said. "Are you in Maine yet?" She asked. "Yea." I said. "I'm not even close to my destination. Not even close to my grandfather's house yet. And I'm meeting my little cousins there as well." "Well, just checking to see where you are." Rachel said. "Making sure my wolfie is okay." "Alright. Got to go." I said. "Love ya cuz." "Bye cuz." She said.

I hung up as I put on my outfield shades and walked out of the building to see my father out by the car waiting for me. "Took ya long enough." He said. "Eyes again?" "Yup." I said. "It's getting worse by the minute. I wasn't like this until after my birthday." We all got in the car with Shilo right behind me. 'Kelli, you okay?' Shilo asked. "Yea." I said. "I'm fine." I put my headphones on and listened to music on Pandora and Smule. I grabbed one of the boxes and began eating the chicken.

My mother interrupted my peace and reached for my headphones and knocked off my shades. I grabbed her hand. "Don't even try." I said, eyes turning yellow. "I just wanted a piece of chicken." She said. I shook my head and my eyes turned back to brown. "I'm sorry." I said. "This is new." "It's ok." She said. I handed her a piece of chicken and put my shades back on.

I put my head on the window as we passed more cars and turned onto the exit. I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't want to. I just stared into nothing as a cover came on. I recognized the voice. It was mine and one of my friends on Smule. I heard the harmonies. Then, there was a high part. It was me singing higher than usual. I usually song on there when I'm in my hybrid form. I use it for an advantage. I cringed and took off my headphones when I hit that abnormally high note.

"What's going on?" My father asked. "Wolf problems." I said. "Major wolf problems. I'm gonna need help with that." "Well, I'm from the harvest clan not the singing clan." He said. "I get it, you lucky little crap." I said. "Why am I lucky?" He asked. "You don't have to worry about someone trying to track you down when you're the last member of your clan." I screamed. "There's plenty on the harvest clan." He said. "But I'm the only one from the singing clan." I argued. "I can't control it. When I sing, I want to change and make my singing better. I can't help it." "I'm sorry, Kelli." My mother said. "Oh, she'll be fine." My father said. "She knows about her clan better than us. She can handle herself."

"Thanks dad." I said, trying to end the conversation. I then got a text from Brian.

Brian: Hey! :*

Kelli: Hey! :*

Brian: How's the car ride?

Kelli: Torturous. We are stuck in traffic. Lol

Brian: You almost there?

Kelli: Yea. The race is tomorrow.

Brian: I believe in you. You'll do great.

Kelli: I will probably just be the first in my age group. That's pretty much it.

Brian: I don't think so. You're a fast runner. Faster than me actually.

Kelli: Should I take that as a compliment? Lol.

Brian: duh. Of course. You're faster than all of the cross country team combined.

'shit' I thought. 'I don't know if he is gonna find out sooner out later.' I replied.

Kelli: Really? I never knew that.

I totally knew that. I waited for him to reply.

Brian: Wether you know it or not, you're a fast runner. You're gonna win. I'll say 'I told you so' when you win that race.

Kelli: Alright, what if I win?

Brian: You'll see. So, I see you play Minecraft.

Kelli: Okay. The subject changed really fast.

Brian: I'm not kidding. May I see your Minecraft skin?

I sent him a picture of my Minecraft skin. It was a girl as a wolf hybrid with a magenta shirt capri jeans, and brown boots.

Brian: Really cute.

Kelli: So about that race. Lol

Brian: stop worrying. You're gonna win. I have faith in you. I just know that you can do this.

Kelli: Well, gtg. In a few miles, I'll lose connection. Bye.

Brian: Bye. Love you.

Kelli: Love you too.

The connection was lost and my music stopped. "Good darn it." I said as I reached for the last piece of chicken. I took off my headphones and decided to chat. 'about time.' Shilo said. 'were you texting Brian?' "Yea, Shilo." I said. "My connection is gone now."

'can you talk to us now?' Shilo asked. "Yea, Kelli." My father said. "Let's chat." "Why can't I even understand the dog?" My mother asked. "Would you want to go through the pain dad and I are going through?" I asked. "You know, that's a good point." My mother said. "On the other hand, I knew that you were a wolf all along." "Well, you didn't know the clan, mom." I said. "Singing wolves are in two different clans. Dad is part of the harvest clan and I am the only member of the singing clan. That's why I'm a better singer than both of you combined. And I'm better than your wolf form, dad."

"Right." He said. "You don't have a wolf form." "I'm stuck with the hybrid form okay?" I said. "That's the life of a singing wolf in the singing clan. They either have a full out wolf form, or they're stuck with their hybrid form for the rest of their lives. In my case, life." "So do you want to know what you look like in wolf form?" He asked. "Nah." I said. "I won't be able to communicate with Rachel, Jason, Collin, Erin,-" "Brian?" He interrupted. "Dad, stop embarrassing me." I said, giggling.

'you know, I don't like him.' Shilo said. "You'll get used to him." I said. "Plus you haven't even met him yet." 'yea, yea.' She whimpered. 'like I'll get used to him.' "You never know." I said. "You might even like him."

"Alright, about the race." My mother said. "Don't worry about trying to win." "Um mom?" I asked. "Did it ever occur to you that I don't care and I want to leave all the other girls I'm the dust? And I'm doing this for my grandmother. And I'll be the first female werewolf to win against all the other girls which I can sense they're vampires." "Alright." She said. "Good luck against them. And they're vampires. I don't think you'll outrun one." "Are you kidding?" I said. "I out ran Rachel. And she's a vampire."

They looked shocked. "Oh." My father said. "I could never outrun one. I know from experience." "That's how much faster I get when I hang out with a vampire who is practically my cousin." "Never thought of that." My mother said.

We arrived at my grandfather's house at 9:45. I got out of the car. It was a long day and I had this internal fight inside of me. Should I go for first in my age group? Or should I go all out and risk all of Maine knowing what I am? My relatives know I'm the only wolf from the singing clan. The rest of my family that are werewolves are from the harvest clan. So, I am at greater risk of transforming without warning. After, greeting my relatives, I walked into the room I shared with my parents, I got changed, set my running clothes out along with my tuning fork necklace, and went to sleep.

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