Chapter 20 - Retaliation Plan

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Brian's POV

I didn't want to look at her anymore. She lied to me since day one. She was able to keep her mind closed when she was around me. But how? She is a werewolf after all. Singing clan. Should've known that she was a singer, but she is one of the last ones of the singing group, let alone harvest. I reluctantly let the other wolf take her home. I didn't want to deal with her today. She just ruined my day, and now I have a plan for the Winter Ball. I snapped my fingers and the wolf necklace turned up in my hand. I put it in my pocket before Scott turned to me.

"You bring her home. I don't care anymore." I repeated.

"Why me?" he asked. "You're her boyfriend."

"Just do it." I hissed.

"You sound like you don't wanna see her again. What is wrong with you?"

"She lied to me." I hissed.

"Doesn't mean you can expect her to tell you everything. She wasn't ready."

"She should have been." I replied. "She never trusted me."

"Well, because you're a vampire." He said. "It's a forbidden trust."

"Stop stereotyping me." I hissed. "What did you think I was gonna do? Bite her?"

"She's immune to your bites." He replied. "She told you her clan. She told you everything. Why no support?"

"Because all this time she kept everything from me. She had her mind closed off from me until I nearly killed her. I should have just finished the job for Annabelle."

"You admit you're just spying?" He growled. "Where's the respect for her? What happened to that? She really liked you."

"But then she scratches me and I still can't regenerate that shit."

"That's singing and harvest for you. But you make me sick. I can care for her way better than you. I can protect her better than you can. You're a sad excuse for a boyfriend. You're the worst."

I got enraged. My hands surged with lightning again. Scott backed up, but stood his ground. I flicked my hand in his direction and he was ready to dodge.

However, I saw someone appear in front of him and Kelli. It was Skyla holding up a force field around the three of them. It deflected the lightning away from them, protecting them from harm. The force field caught a bit of it though.

"Get Kelli and run." She yelled to him. He nodded and took Kelli up in his arms. He sprinted down the stairs and now it was just us two. Her hands then clasped together as she made the orb smaller.

Then she threw her arms out, redirecting my lightning. I couldn't react. It hit me, sending me flying against the lockers. My head jolted forward and back again as it collided with one of the lockers. How could she do that? I didn't have enough strength to get up and fight back.

"I better not see you at the dance tomorrow." She hissed.

"You're hurting your own kind." I retorted. "You're making a big mistake."

"You will make the biggest mistake of your life, trying to hurt Kelli."

"And who will be there to stop me?"

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