Chapter 18 - scheme

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Nick's POV

Everything was going according to plan. Brian and I walked in Annabelle's house as she was expecting my presence.

"What have you and Brian thought of this time?" She asked. She was walking around the kitchen cooking dinner.

"I have been hearing about Kelli needing a necklace to pair up with her tuning fork necklace her teacher gave her." I began. "So we both came up with a wolf necklace that won't help her, but hurt her and make her transform."

"But don't kill her." She said. "She's mine. Anyways, want some beef stew? I added a new blood sauce to it. I thought you and Brian would like it." She set down two bowls for us and one for herself on the table. "Now, let's talk about business. Our job as vampires is to eliminate valuable werewolves by clan, and we cannot go to the next one until she is eliminated. She is the most valuable to me because she has done something to me."

"Like what?" Brian asked.

"Back a few years ago, she took away my brother's powers after a fight he started. She actually had a wolf form at the time. Soon enough, she killed him and I had to take care of it. I used my powers to take away her wolf form, but it came at a price. She has her hybrid form, but any bite from any of us she will always be immune to. Now that she knows all about her hybrid form, she knows how all of us work." she was enraged.

"We have a plan." I said.

"How?" She asked.

"The Winter Ball." Brian said. "It's a full moon that night. I will force on the necklace and then we will sit back and watch her scream in agony as others will turn against her. I also grew more suspicions during the week and bargained with the principal, well kinda controlled his mind. But he still thinks it's his idea."

"Good." she said. "I will call everyone for our next attack. My doctor says I can't start using my powers until school ends, so you boys are on your own."

I finished my stew and got up. "Thanks for dinner." I said. "Right now I have other business to attend to."

"What could you possibly need to do?" She asked.

"Yeah." Brian said. "She goes to my school now so what can you possibly do?"

I paused. "Her... cousin." I said.

"My sister?" Annabelle screamed.

"No. Wrong side of the family. Her name is Meredith. She threw me off of Kelli after the 5k."

"And how old is she?" She asked.

"8 I think."

"Dude. She's too young to fight you." Brian said.

"No she's not." I said. "I'm not gonna fight her. I'm merely gonna... talk to her."

I walked out, wanting to teleport away to the location. Should I? No. She's not in Annabelle's way. But she's in my way. And she's her cousin. Just then, I saw a cloud of pink and gray smoke. It swirled up into a figure and it took a solid state as a girl with blonde hair floated to the ground. When her feet touched, she looked at me with magenta eyes.

"Stay away from my cousin." She hissed. "I don't wanna throw you further than I did at the 5k."

"So you show up after I have a plan to stop you." I sneered. "You're a fucking traitor to your kind."

"Oh my. Profanity! Watch your language! I'm only 8."

"Well, I'm sorry princess. But I'm 14. Nothing I can really do about it."

"I heard everything. I'm gonna tell Kelli. And she's gonna thank me."

"Like you'll ever tell her."

"Oh and one more thing."


"I never liked Brian to begin with. I knew something was up when she brought him to my brother's birthday party. You know, as her cousin, she lets me read her mind because we are family. You on the other hand, have to work hard when she clears her mind. Me, she doesn't need to clear her mind around me because she is open to me and never to you. I mean, what did she ever do to you?"

"Rejected me." I said.

"Maybe because you're just nothing but a meanie. She told me how mean you were to her friends and then to her, which caused her to become an anti-socialist and never trusted anyone during her eighth grade year. She told me how miserable she was, knowing almost the whole grade hates her. And she's glad she's away from people like you. People like you who did nothing but treat her like she was chopped liver. And she was nice to everyone. But as soon as you meanie boys, minus Collin, spread the rumor of her wolf ability, people started making fun of her; soon enough, Annabelle then transfers for the softball season just to make her life a living H-E-double hockey sticks. I don't effing care if you stand in my way because I can beat you like I did last time. Yes. Kelli told me everything on the car-ride home from the race."

"One, I don't give a shit. Two, nothing will stop us. And three, fuck off."

Soon enough, she flashed by and in a second, I was slammed into the brick wall of Annabelle's house. It left a dent in the side of the house. I watched as she disappeared before seeing Brian and Annabelle walk out.

"What the hell happened?" Annabelle asked, surprised.

After I regenerated what I could, I was able to answer.

"Meredith." I spat.

"That strong?" She asked.

"For an 8 year-old, yes." I said.

"Why didn't you attack her?" She asked.

"She's 8."


"She's our kind."


"I don't hit girls six years younger than me. That's just wrong."

"Understandable. But why did she throw you?"

"It was something I said."

"Come back inside. Stay for a bit and then you can teleport home."

"Thanks Annabelle."

"Don't mention it. You are helping me with Kelli. Might as well do something to help you in return."

It was settled. Saturday, we attack and crash that dance.

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