Chapter 2 - Stalker

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Elizabeth's POV

We arrived at Kelli's house and we walked her my room. "Okay, what was that about?" I asked. "I think I will have a fresh start here." Kelli said. "But, I feel like I'm not alone." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You really weren't paying attention to what was around us, were you?" She asked. "To be honest, no." I said. "Alright, at least you're honest." Kelli said. "So, there is this boy kind of stalking me. He's an upperclassman." "I'll have to talk to my friend, Clayton." I said. "He might know who he is. In the meantime, I'm gonna help you with controlling your werewolf ability. You've been a little on the verge of morphing again."

"What?!" Kelli screamed. "I thought I took care of that. I learned to control it over the summer and I was doing well." "Well, it's your nerves taking over this time." I said. "And if you feel like fainting, have headaches, or worse, are about to turn, then you're out of luck. Some teachers won't let you leave the room to take a breather. Tomorrow is a black day. Let me look at your schedule." I gave her the schedule. "You have Sachems Singers." I said. "You're gonna be singing to start your day. I'd say, bring the necklace." "I'm wearing it." Kelli said. "Did you notice?" "Then, something's wrong." I said. "You need another necklace to hold the power of the tuning fork. Maybe a wolf necklace of some sort."

"There's none I can find in stores." Kelli said. "I can't even find a charm of a wolf, so I can't make it either." "Then we got a problem." I said. "However, wear that tuning fork to school tomorrow. It will control your pitch, but it will no longer control your urge to morph. You gotta watch out. Especially for the boy who has been stalking you for the whole day as you made it seem."

Then I got a text from my mother.

Mom: Hey, Liz. I'm on my way home. See you in a half hour, maybe an hour.

Elizabeth: You too. I'll wait for my sister to get off the bus.

Mom: Oh, I'll be home before then.

Elizabeth: Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know.

I put my phone away. "Hey, I gotta run home." I said. "My mother will kill me if she knew I was at your place without her consent." Kelli face palmed. "You should've asked your mother first." She said. "Idiot." "I know, I know." I said. "Now I got to go. See you tomorrow." I morphed into my white wolf form and ran out the door of her house and through the coyote-infested woods for a shortcut to my house. I soon arrived in my backyard. I changed back into my human form and walked into the house just as my mother pulled in on the other side. I just made it. I just sprinted up to my room to wait for the door to unlock. "I'm home!" My mother called. "Hi mom." I said. "How was work?" "Tiring." She said. "I'm gonna rest for a bit before I pick up your sister."


Kelli's POV

I came back home after a 7.5 mile jog. "Mom!" I said. "Im back." "Wow!" My mother said. "You ran for a long time. How are your legs?" "Like jelly." I lied. "I'm gonna chill." They were completely fine. I literally morph into my hybrid form when I jog. Make that sprinting. I don't jog in my hybrid form. I changed back into my human form and walked into the house. I saw that dinner was done.

This dinner was steak and salad. I took half of the steak as my helping. I listened for my mother, who was out by the pool and changed back into my hybrid form. I gobbled up my portion of steak in record time. Literally world record time. However, I was too full for salad. So, I just took off my necklace, put out clothes for tomorrow, and went to sleep early.

.. Second day of school .. Thursday September 2nd.

I woke up to my alarm at 5:30. I laid in bed thinking of what has been going on in the past day. Even though it was the first day, I wasn't sure if I felt comfortable. I  got out of bed fifteen minutes later. I put on my makeup and got dressed. I wore a red and blue 3/4 sleeve shirt, capris and ugg boots. I was already done and it was 6:00 in the morning. I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth right when my mother was walking down the stairs. "Oh, you're up already." My mother said. "Couldn't sleep." I said. "Normal." She said. "You must be excited for the second day." "Yup." I said. I was also nervous. I wouldn't know where to go for Sachems Singers. I put on my tuning fork necklace and walked out the door at 6:30 with my bag. My mother got in after me and drove me to school.

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