Chapter 6 - 15

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Kelli's POV

Weeks passed and soon it was Wednesday, September 23rd, the day before my birthday. Brian and I have been talking a lot since the first day of Sachems Singers. I actually got a text from him.

Brian: Hey

Kelli: Hey. Wazzup?

Brian: You excited for tomorrow?

Kelli: yea.

Brian: I'm singing to you tomorrow.

Kelli: Really?

Brian: yeah. I wanna make sure you have a good day tomorrow.

Kelli: I'm gonna be 15. Jeez, time flies. And thx.

Brian: np. It's also a half day tomorrow.

Kelli: Even better. Lol

Brian: What are you gonna do for your birthday?

Kelli: I don't know.

I looked at the time. It was 2:30 p.m. Make that nine and a half hours until my life changes. I had already told my mother about my werewolf ability. I told her about my fifteenth birthday being a change for me. I listened as her car pulled into the driveway. I took off my headphones and let Shilo out. 'yay. Mommy's home.' She barked jumping up at the breezeway door.

I just sat at the dining room table with a pencil and a piece of paper. I drew what my vision of my necklace that could be fused with my tuning fork necklace. The pendant was to be a blueish color. I drew a wolf sitting with its tail by its side. It's head is tilted up and stretched as it was howling. I finished as my mother walked in. "Hey." She said. "Guess who's gonna be 15 tomorrow." "I'm so excited." I said. "Can you see if you can find a chain necklace with a pendant like this?" I held up the sketch. "I'll see what I can do." She said. "This might not be a pendant that's been made before."

"I can make it." I said. "I just need the right materials." "I don't think you could pull that off." She said. "Boon could." I said. "She makes jewelry. She could easily make something like that." "We'll play that by ear." She said. I sighed and walked back into my room and put my headphones back on. I played a bit of candy crush and then I watched funny videos. Then I just resorted to listening to music.

My phone went off. I finally got a text from Brian.

Brian: Did you figure out what you're doing for your birthday?

Kelli: My parents and I are probably going out to dinner.

Brian: ooh, where?

Kelli: probably the Olive Garden.

Brian: Ooh. Yum. I love their bread sticks. Lol

Kelli: Same. Lol

Brian: So, about the dance. Do you think we should go as just friends or bf gf?

I was taken aback by this. I didn't know what to say. Was he asking me out? I want expecting this at all. The past weeks he's been taking to me. It's been amazing and I was starting to like him a bit. Might as well get to know him more and figure out of he's like me or different in abilities. I replied.

Kelli: I'll let you know tomorrow.

Brian: Okay.

Kelli: well, gtg. I have homework and I'm gonna run another 5k today. I'm training for the Chris K 5k up in Maine.

Brian: Well, I wish you the best of luck. And think about that question as well.

Kelli: kk. Bye. See you tomorrow.

Brian: Bye.

I had to end that conversation. I was shaking all over. I turned my music back on.

By 3:30, I changed into my running attire. I grabbed ear buds and my phone as a stopwatch and began another 5k.

...time skip...

I came back from my run. The 5k took 29 minutes. 'My goal is to beat my time every run.' I thought as I walked up the driveway. I changed into my hybrid form and shook off the sweat. I changed back as soon as I got into the house. I then got a text from Rachel.

Rachel: Hey. What does my cousin want for her birthday?

Kelli: Idk to be honest. But do you think this is a good idea for a charm?

I sent her a picture of the drawing.

Rachel: I love that, but I'm not experienced with that kind of magic. You gotta find someone like me, but more powerful to make that.

Kelli: but you can fuse the tuning fork with that charm if it's made?

Rachel: yup.

Kelli: well then.

Rachel: That just got grim fast.

Kelli: Agreed.

Rachel: So what are you doing for your birthday?

Kelli: My parents and I are going to the Olive Garden in Plymouth. Then Elizabeth, Kaitlyn, and I are going to perform a ceremony since I'm gonna be fifteen. It's a turning point for werewolves. I was hoping you'd join.

Rachel: Hell yea. I'll be there. What time?

Kelli: I'll let you guys when I get home. Probably 9:00

Rachel: Okay. Well, gtg. Homework. Bye

Kelli: Bye kid.

I put my phone away and took a shower. After, I got dressed and put on my headphones. I clicked on the Pandora radio app and listened to music. I listened to music until dinner. After dinner, I stayed up watching minecraft animations and music videos. After a while, I checked the time. It was 11:59. I've stayed up for that long? I forced myself off the bed and put out my clothes for tomorrow. I took out the class tee shirt. It was a green shirt saying "start strong."

I hung up my clothes as I heard the clock chime. I looked as my clock turned 12:00. Then, my phone was flooding with happy birthday texts. I smiled, said thank you, and then finally went to bed. I was 15 at last. It's the turning point of my life as a singing werewolf.

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