Chapter 11 - First

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Annabelle's POV

"Annabelle, wake up." A male voice called. I woke up from my coma. "What?" I grumbled. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Nick, I'm not in the mood." I said. "But did you hear that Kelli is participating in the annual 5k this morning?" He asked. "The one in Maine?" I asked. "Yea." He said. "She wants to get first place in her division this year." "Not surprised." I said. "I'll crash it. Why not? It'll be fun." I started to get up. "Whoa, slow down." Nick said. "You have to recover. Remember?"

Memories flashed back in my mind. Kelli was in her hybrid form. Collin was holding onto Kelli. He pushed her over to me. I saw her friends in shock when I thought Collin intended to kill her. Then, I went to kill her when I found out that he only made her stronger. He sacrificed himself and punched me and now I'm here. It's now four months later and I'm starting to recover. "Right." I said. "Fine. I'll stay." "We will get her soon enough." He said. "Where is she now?" I asked. "Where does she go to school?" "She transferred." He said. "I haven't seen her in school. I just don't know where."

"Well, find her." I said. "You have until 2016 to find Kelli. And if you fail, I'll be sure to find every one of her friends and beat the truth out of them." "So, January 1st 2016?" Nick asked. "Well, I assume I'll recover by April, so you have until then." I said. "If you get killed before you bring the news to me, I swear, I will heal faster than you think and I will find every last connection to Kelli and get answers."

"I'll try." Nick said. "And I'll be prepared this time." "Good." I said. "Oh, and make sure you don't kill her. She's my kill and my kill only. I have unfinished business with her and I have to avenge my cousin for what she did to him."


Kelli's POV

I looked at the clock on my phone. 7:00. Meredith came back in. "Everyone, wake up!" She said in her loudest voice. "Who's ready to run?" I covered my ears with the pillow. 'shut up' I thought. 'I'm getting up' I just wanted to sleep a bit longer. "C'mon guys." Meredith said. "We have a race to win, Kelli." I forced myself out of bed and got dressed. I put on the black shirt with 'Fight On, Team Silvers' in pink letters and black running pants with a blue waist band. It just came to me that my last name is ironic because silver bullets were my weakness. I then put on my black and blue sneakers with light blue laces and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I didn't put the necklace around the elastic band. I wanted to use my wolf ability for running. I sighed as I quickly put on blemish concealer.

I walked out into the kitchen to see my parents she relatives waiting for me. "Okay, we are going to breakfast at the church and then we are going to go to Penobscot for the race." My grandfather said. "Might as well eat up before the race." At breakfast, I met and recognized a lot of people and they said that they were rooting for me.

...time skip...

We arrived at the Penobscot school and registered to run. My parents weren't going to run nor walk the 5k. "Now think of it as beating your last time." My father said. "Dint think about winning the whole thing." "I get it, dad." I said. "But you really haven't seen me run." "Just don't push yourself." He said. "You're saying that to a person who's not even human, dad." I said. "I got this in the bag."

Then someone quieted us down. "Children who are doing the 1 mile Fun Run, follow me." A lady said. My cousins walked to the starting line. I saw them in the front and they all took off at the sound of a horn.

...time skip...

It was now time for the 5k. I fixed the tuning fork in my hair. I was also at the front of the line. I cracked the muscles in my neck as I heard the alarm sound. I broke at a dead sprint and I was sixth in the race so far.

Besides running, I chatted with another freshman. "How long have you done this race?" I asked. "This is my third year running in this race." he said. "Me too." I said. "I've been doing this for my grandmother." "Wait, you're Kelli Silvers?" He asked. "Yup." I said. Then I saw some people behind me. "Gotta go." I added. "Good luck."

...time skip...

I ended up sprinting again and soon, everything was a blur because I ended up next to the first place runner. "Well, hello." I said. "I assume you're Christine's granddaughter." He said. "I am." I said. "And I'm gonna be the first girl in my division to finish. I'm doing it for her."

"Which granddaughter of Christine's are you?" He asked. "Kelli, Kelli Silvers." I said. "You know we are ahead of everyone by a long shot, right?" He asked as we were entering the playground and the home stretch. "Yea." I said. "And you'll be one of them." He said as his eyes glowed red. Be was starting to sprint. 'screw it.' I thought. I let my eyes glow yellow and I got a running start and as soon as my hands touched the ground, I was off. I sprinted by him and through the finish line. The official took my time. "23:45." The official said. "Then, the other first place runner came in after me. "24:01." The official said. I beat my previous time by five minutes. I couldn't believe it. I was the first one to finish. Half of me thought I should've just not let my eyes change color. No turning back from a witness.

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