Chapter 23 - Buying Time

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Rachel's POV

Once I saw Kelli and Collin break into a blur from the horde, they were still focused on the bloodstain on the pavement. I mean really? She isn't there, stupids. However, I was able to snap the rest of our allies out of it.

"Whoa, what happened?" Jason asked, bewildered.

I just shook my head in disappointment. "Idiots. You fuckng idiots. Once you see blood, you just had to go crazy."

"Oh, really? You could have done the same thing." Emma said

"Yea, here's the thing, people. I can keep myself together unlike you bloodthirsty fuckers." I replied.

"Whats the difference?" Jason yelled.

"The difference, my friends, is that I didn't fucking go for it! Get a clue!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know how to keep my sanity when I see freaking blood." Skyla hissed.

I shook my head. "Forget it. We just gotta buy time for Kelli and Collin to escape to a hiding spot. I swear to God I hope they don't go anywhere obvious."

"Like what?" Jason asked.

"Oh, I dont know. Behind freaking cars. What else?" I said sarcastically.

"Or, they could see any other obvious spots like the varsity softball field." Kylie replied.

Mary stepped forward towards us. "Alright, I have an idea. Why don't you guys stay here. I will buy some time for them to escape even further."

I nodded. "Alright, go then. Find them and help them further away from this hell. Both you and Kelli have heightened hearing, so I might give a yell to indicate that they're on their way towards you guys. You both have ears. You two have to hear it."

She started to run. I saw her sprint towards the softball area. This should be enough to stall them and maybe shrink the horde. I turned around, watching the bloodthirsty little shits try to taste the blood. They're tasting werewolf blood. Ew, if you ask me.

I had to say something. "Oh my God, that is disgusting!"

They turned around. First, it was Brandon with a smirk on his face. Next were Spencer, Nick, and Brian. They had blood on their lips. I couldn't believe it. They did it. I have tasted it before, but it was an accident. A couple years back, Kelli's arm bled once and when I helped her clean it, it dripped onto my hand and my curious mind got a hold of me. Of course I didn't bite her. We both know about it, but agreed to just wash everything off from now on, because it wasn't that good in my opinion.

So, anyways, they actually liked it. Honestly, I am not surprised because they must have drunk more blood in their lifetime compared to me. I preferably stick to tomatoes. Don't ask. However, they started to creep towards us again.

"Now, tell us where Kelli is, and we will get out of your hair." Brian hissed. "I could use more werewolf blood."

"You make me sick." I spat. "You all make me sick."

"You know, if you can't tell us, we can force the answer out of you." he hissed.

I kept my mouth shut and left my mind empty.

"She ran." Kylie spat.

"KYLIE!" We all screamed.

"Sorry." she said.

"Where to?" Brian hissed.

"That, we don't know, so jokes on you." I said. "You're gonna have to get through all of us first if you wanna get to her.."

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