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Author's POV

"Fuck, I'm getting tired,"

Kira thought in her head as she dodged August's attempt to injure her while the heat of his attacks started irritating the princess.

With this thought in mind, Kira started thinking of something that could stop the fight between them.

"You know, we have similar magic, this might take a while," She commented while using her crystals to zip through the air to embed themselves in his skin. Though, it was quite futile as the crystal met a hard surface before they reach his torso.

A light crystal surrounded the Sprigan, similar to what the princess did earlier to deflect his attack.

Just as before, August conjured his own crystals as they flew towards her direction as the tip of the gem is sharp enough to cut their skin.

The princess clicked her tongue at the sight, starting to get irritated at getting her magic copied by the Wizard King. Kira decided to dodge instead of using her magic to defend herself; in fear of having her ability imitated.

"You're really not stopping?" The female glared at the Sprigan, waiting for the male to utter a word. Though, August only remained silent, refusing to share a word with the princess.

Seeing this only irritated her, darkness enveloping her form as her surroundings started turning black. Any plants on the pavement, unscathed from their battle, decaying upon contact the darkness. While the princess sent the Sprigan a dark look, a gaze promising to kill him.

"Fine," She smirked, activating the curse that she promised to never use against anyone. August grew a little nervous at this, knowing very well how this could be bad for him.

The curse of Ankhseram, the curse both their parents suffer with was something that Kira surprisingly inherited. The moment the Black Wizard found a small detail of the curse from the princess, he studied the curse that is within the female.

After several studies, he noted the differences between her curse and his. The princess has more control whenever the curse takes a life, though it isn't always guaranteed that the curse would stay tamed.

Furthermore, instead of staying in her current state, the female has signs of aging. Though, the Emperor had found a way to alter this and stopped her aging when she was a child.

It was unclear to the father how Kira even received the curse, he thought of countless possibilities to counter this question and he is still unsure of the accuracies of his thoughts. One of his most reasonable theories was Kira's birth, with both parents being a carrier and the addition of being born with a tint of her father's Living Magic.

At such a young age, the Emperor never taught her the value of life and consistently made it common for the child to see the death of numerous people so that her curse wouldn't be activated. Growing up in such a lifestyle, she never cared for the life of others and her curse had remained hidden.

Though, as Kira's mind matured while being opened to the meaning of life, her surroundings had been constantly filled with death as her curse activated until Zeref taught her how to control it. Doing this, the princess had learned that she has more control than her father and has been more adamant in keeping it restrained for others.

August knows how this could affect him, Kira's curse may be weaker than others, but it is still dangerous to be around her when it's activated.

Kira brought her hand out, dark miasma gathering on her palm while the mists formed into an orb. The princess threw the sphere towards the Sprigan with such speed that it's impossible to see the movement of the orb with untrained eyes.

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