[Chapter 15] I Love You

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||Changed the cover photo! How does it look? ||

Each of them awoke to the sound of one of their phones ringing.

It just so happened to be Sollux's, playing the song "Buzzin'" by Mann.

Embarrassed and a little terrified, he scrambled for his phone. Karkat sat up, watching.

Sollux sat on the side of the bed and took a deep breath before answering. He slowly put the phone up to his ear.


All Karkat could hear was yelling on the other side. Sollux hadn't said a word throughout the entire conversation until the end.

"Yes sir." He said softly. After a moment he hung up.

"So...I have 20 minutes to get home or I'm dead."


"I love you." Karkat smiled and kissed his cheek softly. Sollux couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too, Kk."

"Will I get to see you tomorrow afternoon?"

Sollux sighed. "Depends on how my uncle feels tonight." He checked his phone. 10 minutes. "I better start walking."

Karkat frowned. "Are you sure you don't want Kankri to take you home? I'm sure he will."

Sollux shook his head. "I'll be fine. I promise." He gave Karkat a slow, loving kiss, resting his hands on his waist. Karkat smiled into the kiss, his hips swaying gently.

They pulled away after a minute. Sollux gave him a warm smile before stepping out the door.

Karkat watched from the porch until Sollux was out of sight, leaving him alone in the cold night.


Karkat awoke the next morning, sighing.

He was alone. Sollux had not been there to wake him up, like usual. He dragged himself out of bed to get ready for the dreading day ahead.

Sollux had not been seen all morning. At least, not until he got to school. Karkat was at his locker. He had messaged Sollux multiple times. He was, of course, turning into a worrisome person.

Karkat wiped his eyes from the tears that tried to escape. He closed his locker and sighed.

Suddenly, Karkat felt arms wrap around him. He jumped slightly, but recognizing the scent, the feeling, and the comfort, he turned around and cuddled into Sollux's chest. At that moment, he didn't give a single fuck who was looking at them or what they were saying. He just wanted to feel comforted again.

He pulled apart after a moment and looked up at him.

"What happened?"

Sollux sighed, but gave him a loving smile. "Nothing serious. I'm grounded though. No phone, no leaving the house for a few days."

Karkat sighed, giving him only a small smile. "I'm sorry. I was just so scared."

Sollux kissed his head. "It's okay. I'm here now."

Karkat nodded. Suddenly, the bell rang. The both sighed, exchanging quick kisses before parting ways to their first class, each of them feeling much better than before.

Yeaaahhhh so that was a terrible conclusion, but since I had to take my End Of Course test today (Y'know, that huge test that's like 5 fucking hours long. I'm so exhausted, but I figured you guys deserved it ;-;

Thank you for reading lovelies~!

Is It Love? [A Human!Solkat Fanfiction]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum