[Chapter 30] All Better

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When P.E. was nearing the end, Karkat went over and sat beside Feferi on the bleachers. She had her things ready to go. She was waiting for the bell. However, she wouldn't look at him.

"Hey...Feferi? Uh.."

Awkward little shit.

Sighing softly, she turned towards him.

Karkat gave her a smile. "I wanted you to know that it's okay. None of it was your fault. I know you're good and really sweet to all of us. I wanted to thank you for the letter. You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. I promise."

Feferi smiled, her eyes tearing up slightly. She hugged him tightly. Surprised, but happy she was alright, Karkat hugged back.

"Thank you, Karkat."


At the hospital, everyone was there to see Sollux. They all stood around his bed, laughing and cracking jokes with each other. Sollux was able to sit up. His sores had healed slightly. The doctor said he would be able to go home soon.

They had all brought him gifts. Each unique, depending on the person. It was like a little party. Sollux loved it.

Karkat smiled softly. He looked so happy. The way he laughed, the way he smiled. The way he no longer hurt when he moved. The fact that he could easily hug everyone now. The cute little flower crown on his head that the girls made him. His silly old 3-D glasses he's kept since he was a child. He told Karkat all about them, and about how he tried to convince his family that he could wear those instead of his real glasses. It made Karkat giggle.

When visiting hours ended, everyone wished Karkat and Sollux a long-lasting relationship. They had all brought plastic clear wine glasses, filled it with Strider's apple juice, and rose their glasses in joy.

Karkat smiled. It was wonderful.

When Sollux finallly got out of the hospital, Karkat was so over-whelmed. He wanted to do everything with Sollux. He wanted to take him places. Although Karkat was more of a stay at home guy, he wanted to do everything in his power to make his boyfriend happy.

And that's just what he did.

The Vantas family took Sollux in for a while, since he had no place to stay, and his aunt hadn't replied to any form of communication they sent.

It was very nice at their house anyway. Mr. Vantas was happy to have both of them alive. He could tell that they would be great when they grew up.

When the boys grew older, they attended the same college. They stayed together throughout their teenage and early twenties during that period. The small bumps in their relationship were never too much to worry about. They always solved their problems together.

As they watched their classmate's relationships fall (Except for Rose and Kanaya, of course), their love stayed strong. Through thick and thin. Money issues, or failing grades. They always had each other's back. They made a promise for each of them to grow up together.

And that's just what they did.

With a soft sigh, Karkat smiled. He set down his newspaper.

From the kitchen, Sollux noticed the look on his face. He was thinking again.

"Something wrong, dear?" Sollux came in with a plate of breakfast for Karkat. He was better at cooking than Karkat would ever be.

With a smirk, he pulled Sollux into his lap, kissing him over and over again. Sollux giggled.

"Babe! Not in front of the baby!" They both turned over to the small child sitting in a high chair, messily squishing his food.

They both chuckled. Sollux hopped up and went into the kitchen to clean up a little. Karkat glanced down at the small golden ring on his left hand. He smiled softly, the memories coming back. Especially when his friends reenacted the hospital scene, raising their glasses and wishing them yet an even longer lasting relationship. He smiled to himself, small tears coming to his eyes.

When the small child began crying, he wiped his eyes and stood up. "Don't worry babe, I got 'em."

"You sure? You might be late for work, dear."

Karkat shook his head, picking up the messy child. "Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Sollux smiled, giving both of his boys a peck on the cheek. "Alright. I'll clean up in here, and then drive him to daycare."

Karkat nodded and took the kid into the other room, cleaning his face and dressing him. As he did, he looked down at him with a soft smile. He was beautiful. Bright blue eyes, and soft tuffs of brown hair.

The child giggled and made grabby hands at Karkat. He picked him up and kissed his head, sitting down in the living room chair. Suddenly, another child came running in. It was a girl. She was dressed in a flowery dress, and wearing a pink backpack.

"Daddy!" She shouted, running to hop into his lap, along with the little boy.

Karkat smiled and kissed her head. "There's my baby girl!"

Both kids smiled up at their father. The girl had dark brown eyes, and light brown curly hair.

"Hey, did I ever tell you guys about the way your dad and I met?"

The children looked up at him. Of course, they had heard this story a million times, but they loved hearing it, whether they understood some parts or not. And every time he told them, Sollux would secretly listen in, smiling. He would tear up during some parts, the memories getting the best of him.

When the story was over, Sollux casually walked in. The girl hopped up to hug him. Karkat sat the little boy down. He stood for a moment, before slowly walking over to Sollux as well. Karkat stood and went over to them, picking up the girl. Sollux grabbed the boy.

"You know I love you guys, right?" Karkat smiled. Sollux chuckled.

"We love you too, Karkat."

Buckling up the kids in Sollux car, he closed the door and looked at Karkat.

"Have a good day, alright?"

"I will. You better have a good day too. And tell that guy at work that if he looks at you again, I'll kick his-"

"Hey! Kids, remember?"

"Heh, sorry."

Sollux leaned in and pressed his lips to Karkat's, the soft kiss causing Karkat to wrap his arms around Sollux's waist. Pulling away slowly, they giggled.

"We haven't kissed like that since highschool."

Sollux laughed. "I miss it."

Childishly nuzzling Sollux's cheek, Sollux erupted in laughter. "B-Babe! C'mon, you're gonna be late!"

Karkat smiled and gave him one last peck.

"I love you, Sollux."

"I love you too, Karkat."

The End.


I want to thank every single one of you for supporting and reading this! You all make me feel so wonderful with your comments and everything! I could've never done it without you! Thank you so much. I love you all! <3

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