[Chapter 19]Family Time

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||I hope you guys are doing great! I'm doing...'eh'. But no matter! For I shall not surrender until this story comes to an end!||

"An amusement park?!" Karkat grinned and threw his hands into the air. "Yes!!! Woo!!!!"

Signless chuckled and watched him. Karkat made a quick turn to Kankri's room, hurling himself through the cracked door and falling onto the sleeping Kankri.

"Oh no." Signless whispered, waiting.





Kankri shouted. Signless let out a soft chuckle. Karkat sprinted out of his brother's room and out the front door, repeatedly yelling "HE'S AWAKE HE'S AWAKE HE'S AWAKE HE'S AWAKE HE'S AWAKE." as Kankri chased him.

Signless shook his head and followed them out the door, shouting for Kankri not to kill him just yet.


They walked around the park for a while, deciding on rides.

Karkat pointed to one almost old looking ride. It was obviously meant to make the riders nervous.

"Let's go on that one!" He shouted, making his way towards it. The other two shrugged and followed. When they appeared at the entrance, the sign read 'Boardwalk Bullet'.

"Can we ride it, dad?" Karkat turned to him. Signless sighed and nodded. He knew the boys would drag him into it anyway.

The walk to the top took a little longer than most others. By the time they were at the top, they were nearly out of breath.

Since the ride was only two to each part, Signless sat behind them next to a much younger kid. He looked at him, eyebrows raised.

The boy was excited. He looked like he had a whole bag of everything sweet before getting on here. Signless cleared his throat and spoke to him.

"Have you rode this before?"

The boy nodded enthusiastically. Signless smiled. "What's it like?"

"It goes really fast! And then it goes up and up and it pretends to fall but really it just goes straight forward and THEN it falls! And then it goes super super fast and it even takes a picture!"

Signless listened to the boy go on for a minute before it started. He leaned as much forward as the protective bar would let him.

"Boys, why did I let you talk me into this?"

After the ride, Signless stumbled out, almost looking as if he was in a daze. Karkat smirked and asked if he wanted to go again. Signless pretended to glare at him.

They all left in search of food and a place to sit before going on anything else. Karkat decided that today wouldn't be a great day to tell him either, so he pushed it to the back of his mind for a while.


They didn't get home until later that night. The excitement and the food wore them out. By the time they got home, they all plopped down on the couch with Signless on one side, Kankri on the other, and Karkat laying across both of their laps.

"Today was awesome." Karkat mumbled sleepily.

Signless let out a burp. "Maybe too awesome. C'mon boys, let's get some rest." They didn't move. Signless shook his head, pushed Karkat aside, and slung Kankri over his shoulder. He seemed to be asleep.

"Jeez, guys. Are you that tired?"

Neither of them responded. Signless shrugged and carried Kankri to his room, then reappeared a few minutes later to retrieve Karkat.


Karkat awoke to the sound of his phone ringing. Realizing that he forgot to call Sollux, he scrambled for it.

"Kk?? Are you alright??"

"Yeah, I'm okay! I'm sorry! I was so exhausted last night. We went to an amusement park."

He heard Sollux chuckle.

"Alright. Just making sure you're okay. Hey, you better get out of that bed before you're late."

Karkat groaned. It was Monday.

"If I told you I had a surprise waiting for you, would you hurry?"

Karkat smiled.

"Alright, alright. I'm up. I'm gonna go get ready, okay? I'll see you soon!"

"See you soon, love."

They each hung up. Karkat laid there, wondering how he got so lucky. Immediently realizing the time, he jumped out of bed and readied himself.


They met at their usual meeting place. Karkat smiled and pecked Sollux's cheek. They began walking towards a small store just down the road before the school.

Karkat looked up at him. Damn, he was too tall. "What are we doing here?"

Sollux smiled. "Getting you something. I forgot to tell you that I got a job, so now I have some extra cash on me. It's not much, but it's something."

Karkat chuckled. "You shouldn't spend your money on me."

"Well, I'm going to."

Karkat huffed. When he did that, Sollux thought he was the absolute cutest thing.

The store had just opened a few days ago. It was a small donut and breakfast shop.

Sollux checked his watch. They had about 45 minutes, and it only took them about 5 minutes to walk the rest of the way.

"Am I allowed to buy you breakfast?" Sollux teased. Karkat rolled his eyes and nodded.

As Sollux ordered for them, Karkat paid full attention to the design put into the small store.

It was very unique, and just possibly, vintage.

He chuckled to himself and looked back to Sollux. The taller boy took the small bag of donuts and two drinks to one of the small tables.

The table was taller than the others, and had a taller chair, so it took Karkat a minute to get into it. It made Sollux chuckle, but Karkat pouted and glared at him.

Sollux scooted over next to Karkat and kissed his head, giving him his food.

They spent part of their morning talking and spending time at the little shop together.

||Sorry it took so long to type this. I've been super busy, like always. It's a pain. But anyway, here you go!||

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