[Chapter 17] I Missed You

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||Extra chapter woo! ||

The Vantas family sat around the dinner table, enjoying each others company. It had been too long.

"Oh, did I tell you about the nickname the guys at work gave me?" Mr.Vantas asked, taking a bite of his steak.

The boys smiled and shoo their head.

Dramatically, Mr.Vantas cleared his throat. The boys chuckled.

"I am now known as 'The Signless' or just 'Signless', because I can keep a straight face through anything, showing no sign of how I feel. " He showed them an example.

"Alright boys, you know I love funny faces. Give me your best shot!"

The boys thought for a moment, before smirking at each other and making the most ridiculous face they could. The one that always made their father laugh.

'Signless', as he is now known, kept a straight, plain face. Showing no sign of emotion whatsoever.

For at least 5 seconds, anyway.

He burst into laughter, his hand hitting the table lightly.

"You boys really know how to crack me up!"


Karkat stood at the sink. It was his turn to wash the dishes.

He smiled softly as he thought about dinner. It was wonderful.

He rinsed the last dish and put it away, drying his hands and heading off to his room. He needed to call Sollux.

He stepped into his room, shutting the door behind him gently as to not wake the others.

His room felt cold. He quickly stripped down, threw on a T-shirt and pajama pants, and crawled into his bed.

He looked almost submerged under his covers, except for the light from his phone on his face. He searched through his contacts, finding 'Sollux'

He clicked the green phone icon and put it up to his ear, waiting for an answer.

One ring,

Two rings,

Three rings,


"Hey Sollux."

"Hey Karkat. How was your day?"

Karkat grinned. Sollux always asked him that to make sure he had a good day. He's such a sweetie, it made Karkat hide his face, even though Sollux couldn't see.

"It was good. My dad came home from his business trip today."

"Oh really? Have you told him about...You know.."

"Not yet. I'm too scared."

"How long is he staying?"

"Four to five months."

"Hmm. Maybe wait a month or two. Give him time to settle and then set him down and gently explain."

"Yeah. That's what I was thinking."

"It's gonna be alright, Okay? We can do this."

Karkat smiled, letting out a soft chuckle.


He heard Sollux let out a soft yawn. He smirked.

"Someone sounds sleepy."

Sollux chuckled.

"Maybe a little."

"How about we go on to bed?"

"Yeah. Sounds good. I love you, Kk."

"I love you too Sollux. Goodnight."


Each of them hung up, not bothering with the whole "no you hang up first!" deal.

Karkat sighed, reaching over to plug his phone into the charger. He curled up under the blankets and sighed, letting himself drift off slowly.


He rolled over in his sleep, wanting comfort. Subconsciously, he cuddled up to whatever was near him. It felt like a pillow. A warm, cuddly, breathing pillow with a soft heartbeat that relaxed him. He smiled, and opened his eyes to look at the very thing that gave him such comfort.

"Hey kk."

With a sleepy voice, Karkat replied with a simple "Hey~" and a yawn.

"Wanna go to the park today? I've planned a nice day, including a lame picnic. What do you say? A day with your loser boyfriend."

Karkat giggled and kissed his cheek. "Sounds perfect. My dad said he was going to spend the entire day sleeping."

Sollux laughed and kissed Karkat's head. "Alright then. Let's get you ready~."

Karkat blushed insanely and covered his face.

"Oh shut up, you nerd."


||Hello my lovelies! I spent my free time in school to make this chapter just for you!

I like to imagine the Vantas' having a close relationship as a humanstuck family.

[Also, anyone who tries to get upset at me because Karkat is not 'canonly angry all the time' can shut the fuck up.

When I write stories of a Humanstuck!Karkat, he's not as angry and upset as he would be during the game. Everything is different.

Along with every other writer's story, you need to respect their headcanons and stories. If you don't like them, then just leave them and their stories alone!]

Sorry for the rant.

You guys are amazing and wonderful! I absolutely love reading your comments! They make me laugh and give me motivation to do so. I love all of you!!! ||

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