[Chapter 6] Things Are Okay.

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Karkat opened one eye sleepily. He groaned. Did he fall asleep with Sollux? He assumed so. He looked over at his alarm clock. 10: 37 PM. Karkat leaned back over towards Sollux and shook him slightly. "Hey. Wake up." Sollux shifted.

"Hmm?" He asked, half asleep. Karkat sat up, stretching.

"It's getting late."

Sollux grabbed his phone from his pocket, wincing at the bright light. He sighed. Karkat looked at the other's phone. 6 missed calls from his mom.

"Are you going to be in trouble?"

"Nah. The'll jutht be glad I have a new friend and I wathn't bullied to the point where I wath dead in a ditch." Karkat chuckled, then frowned. Sollux kissed his forehead. "I'll be back tomorrow. Don't worry."

"You need a ride home?"

"Probably." Karkat thought for a moment. "I'll be back. Get your things ready to go." Sollux nodded. Karkat hopped up, going to his brothers room and knocking quietly.

"Kankri?" He whispered. The door opened. "Karkat." He said, slightly annoyed. "It is almost 11. What could you possibly need? And why are you dressed in your day clothes?" Karkat rolled his eyes. "Sollux needs a ride home. We lost track of time." Kankri smirked. "Shut up, Kankri. Is dad home?" Kankri shook his head no. Karkat sighed with relief. "Will you take him home?" Kankri nodded. Karkat ran back to his room.

"My brother will take you." Karkat said, sitting down on his bed. "Thounds good." He sat next to him, pulling him into a small embrace. "I'll come by in the morning, okay? We can walk to thcool together. It'th not far." He kissed Karkat's forehead. Karkat sighed.


Kankri appeared in the doorway. "You guys ready?" Sollux jumped off of Karkat.

Karkat laughed. "It's okay. He knows." Sollux blushed, embarrassed. Kankri smiled.

"Let's go."

Sollux gave Karkat a quick kiss and his phone number in case he needed him. Kankri smirked even more. Karkat didn't even have to look at him to tell him to shut up. They joked around the whole way home.

Karkat awoke to the sound of Sollux's sweet, lisping words.

"Hey, wake up, cutie crab."

Karkat rubbed his eyes and sat up. "C-Cutie...crab..?" He blushed, still trying to wake up.

"Yep. It'th my new name for you, becauthe you're cute when you're crabby. Also your bro let me in." Karkat rolled his eyes, and pulled himself out of bed towards the bathroom.

"I'll only be a minute, you dork." He said, grabbing his clothes for the day off of his desk.

Sollux chuckled.

After Karkat took a quick shower and brushed his teeth, he came back. It was 7:00 AM.

"You sure did get here early."

"Well, theeing the cutetht perthon alive ith hard to keep yourthelf from."

"Oh hush." Karkat grabbed his backpack and shoes. "Come on. Let's go eat." They grabbed their things and headed for the kitchen.

Kankri was already making breakfast. He already had two plates made, and had been making a third for himself.

"About time." He joked.

"Thanks, Kanny." Karkat nodded towards his brother. They all sat down at the table.

"Dad still isn't home?"

Kankri shook his head. He called an hour ago. A few more days." Karkat sighed. Sollux rubbed his back softly.

"You guys need a ride?" Kankri asked, almost finished with his small amount of food. The others had plenty more. Kankri didn't eat much.

"We're gonna walk. The bus sucks." Karkat told him, eating his food. Sollux nodded, doing the same.

"Be careful." He told them, getting up to wash his plate off in the sink.

"We will, Dad." Karkat chuckled. Kankri dried his plate and grabbed his things, including his car keys.

"See you guys later!" He called as he walked out the door. Karkat finished, along with Sollux. He grabbed both plates and took them to the sink to wash them off. Sollux smirked, going over to him and wrapping his arms around his torso. Karkat jumped.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Loving on you." He kissed Karkat's neck. Karkat blushed, the giggled. "Hey! We only have 20 minutes! We gotta start walking!" Karkat shut the water off, dried his hands, and turned around to meet Sollux's lips. He had to stand on his tippy toes. He hated it.

He sat down, slipped on his shoes, and grabbed his things. "Ready?" Sollux nodded, backpack on one shoulder. They walked out the door, hand in hand.


Hey! So this isn't much, but I just recently got wifi. I am so terribly sorry! Please forgive me! It's still limited, so when it runs out, unfortunately it runs out. I will always reply as soon as I can. Thank you so much! You're the best readers ever!~ <3

I would assume some people don't like the way Sollux's speaking is typed, and some find it hardto understand. Give me a vote on what I should do lovelies. I'm confused!

Should I:

1. Keep it the same.

2. Make all his dialogue typed normally(he will still have a lisp, however. I just won't show it.)

3. Change it to the way he types. (Liike thii2.)



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