[Chapter 24] Secret's Out

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||Yes, it's summer for me. I apologize for not updating. Although my summer has been very boring, I just haven't felt like doing anything lately. I promise I'll get back to this as soon as I can. Lately I've just been super depressed. I'm sorry I missed Karkat's Wriggling Day too.. ]]

(#TW Abuse. Scroll down to the "~" to skip it.)

Sollux whimpered, attempting to make a break for it. His uncle soon caught his arm before he ran out the door, slamming him down on the floor.

"You think you can run away? Hah! You're not leaving this damn house, boy, so you better get comfortable."

His uncle picked him up by his collar. Sollux could smell the booze on him. His uncle could barely stand.

"You think you're so smart leaving the house before I wake up and after I go to bed? Think again. I know about that boy you're with. I've got myself a little birdie to tell me everything." He grinned.

Sollux was on the verge of tears. He had a feeling who it was. Before he could even think of them, he was thrown back down. His uncle kicked his ribs slightly.

"I just might put a restraining order on him." He laughed and swiped Sollux's phone just before he left.

Sollux coward in the corner as he listened to his uncle lock the door from the outside. He would be stuck there with no way out. Until, of course, the police came and got him for missing too much school or something. His uncle would probably let him go to school anyway. He grabbed his laptop that he hid under his bathroom sink and immediently began to message Karkat, telling him all that happened.


[For those who could not read it due to triggers: Sollux was only slightly abused and he was locked in his room by his uncle, without his phone. He only had his laptop, which he kept hidden under his bathroom sink. He messaged Karkat. Details of the messages were not mentioned.]

Sollux, eventually being able to sneak out of his 2 story window, and onto the nearby tree, ran for his life to Karkat's house.

Once he got there, out of breath, he didn't bother to knock. He knew the Vantas' kept their door unlocked. He snuck inside and into Karkat's room.

Karkat was sitting up on his laptop, frantically messaging Sollux. When Sollux appeared in the doorway, he pulled him him, closed the door quietly, and hugged him. He muffled his face into Sollux's chest. "I thought you were gone.." Karkat whimpered. Sollux cooed him, bringing him over to the bed to lie down.

"I'm alright. Don't worry. I'll never leave you. I swear." He kissed Karkat's head. The smaller boy clung to him. Sollux smiled and nuzzled into his hair, singing softly to him.

Before morning arrived and his uncle awoke with a killer hangover, Sollux snuck back into his house once again through the tree. He closed his window and hopped into bed, pretending he was asleep. His uncle started shouting from downstairs, not even bothering to come up.

"Get your ass up, boy! You better not be late for school or I swear I'll beat the shit out of you. You have 5 minutes to be ready before I come unlock that door!"

Sollux rolled his eyes, pretty much already ready. He sat at his desk, putting his things into his backpack.

His uncle slammed open the door as soon as he unlocked it. "Now get out of this house, and be back by 7pm. I know you have that stupid after school shit." Sollux quickly raced past his uncle and down the stairs. As he went out the front door, he heard him shout.

"You better stay away from that Vantas boy, too! His daddy ain't nothin' but trouble!"


At school, he walked Karkat to every single class, no matter how far. If Karkat went downstairs and Sollux went up, Sollux would be late to every upstairs class he had. He wanted to spend as much time with Karkat as possible. The school year was coming close to an end, and he had no idea how he was going to sneak out during summer with his uncle doing this.

The end of the day finally came. Sollux and Karkat walked home together. Sollux didn't really have any after school classes. He just had to say something to get out of spending that much time at home.

Signless greeted the boys as they came in. He had prepared a snack for all of them. Kankri came home a few minutes later, and they all ate together.

Sollux wondered what his uncle was talking about. He thought Mr. Vantas seemed like a nice guy. He felt like his uncle didn't have a right to say such terrible things. He shrugged and finished his food, along with the others. He felt like part of their family sometimes. Entirely welcomed.

He wished Mituna could feel that way too. But Mituna already felt that way. He got the luxury of staying with his aunt instead.

He pushed the thoughts of his brother away, and decided to join Karkat in a challenging video game while Kankri read a book and Mr. Vantas read the newspaper.

||Back hurts and I'm feeling upset. Sorry for typos.||

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