[Chapter 11] More...Friends?

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Each of them sighed. Suddenly remembering Sollux's promise of meeting his other friends, Karkat groaned, rolling over. Sollux looked at him, concerned, and pulled him back into his arms. "What's wrong, babe?"

Karkat flushed a bit at the nickname, but sighed. "You said we'd met your friends this afternoon. When? I'm kinda nervous.." He buried his face into the others t-shirt. Sollux only chuckled. kissing his lover's head.

"It's gonna be fine, KK. Since it's only 5:15, I can text them and see if they're still at our usual meeting place. We use to hang out at this little restaurant after school from 5 to 6." He nuzzled into his hair. "Everything will be alright, okay?"

Karkat nodded, sliding out of bed. "Be right back." Sollux nodded, pulling out his phone. The shorter boy trailed out to room and over to Kankri's room, knocking softly.

No answer.

He knocked again.


He sighed, walking in slowly. "Kanny...?" He wasn't there. Out of all the things in his perfectly organized and cleaned bedroom, a small note lay folded up on his desk, with Karkat's name on it, written in a bright red. He opened the note, scanning over it quickly. He began giggling to himself. Kankri was out with Cronus. He couldn't text Karkat because his phone died, and he was in a rush to leave, unfortunately before the boys got home. Karkat shoved the note into his pocket, walking back to the bedroom.

He was caught off guard when Sollux grabbed him from behind the door, pinning him down on the bed and tickling him. Karkat squealed, laughing uncontrollably. "S-Sollux no!" He shouted, rolling around. Sollux continued, giggling himself.

"Say Sollux is the best hacker ever!" Karkat laughed louder, attempting to push his hands away.

"N-No way!" He tried to squirm away, but Sollux was sitting on his hips.

"Say it!" He tickled his lower sides, one of Karkat's obvious weak spots. Karkat continued to squirm, giggling.

"S-Sollux is the best hacker ever!" He shouted, laughing. Sollux stopped, laying down next to the other. Karkat panted, shooting a playful glare at the other. Sollux giggled, kissing his cheek. "I love you, KK. I love your laugh, especially." Karkat smiled softly, kissing his lips softly in return. "I love you too, nerd." They each got up, readying themselves to see the others.

They walked into the small diner. Sollux grinned. Karkat almost hid behind him. He noticed a table full of highschoolers. Must be them. His gripped tightened on the others hand. Sollux squeezed his hand reassuringly.  

"It's gonna be alright." He smiled soft. The shorter boy nodded. They walked up to the table. Karkat knew half of them already. Gamzee, Feferi, Nepeta, Equius, Rose, and Kanaya. Gamzee looked over at them, a big grin on his face.

"Oh shit, motherfuckers! Look! Motherfuckin Sollux and Karbro are here!" The half of people Karkat knew all got up to greet him. He smiled. The half that didn't know him, didn't exactly notice him.  They all sat back down. One of the girls, wearing glasses and blue lipstick, glared at Karkat. She suddenly began laughing, silencing everyone.

"Wow Sollux! I can't believe you're going out with him. I told you, you should've went out with Feferi or Aradia!" She laughed again. "He looks insecure, and scared. Well, he should be! Especially when facing me!" Most of the people at the table rolled their eyes. Feferi, and the girl Karkat assumed was Aradia, exchanged glances. Not so nice ones.

"Vriska, don't do this again!" Feferi crossed her arms. Everyone turned to Feferi. Aradia crossed her arms as well. "Not this time."

Sollux put his hand over his face, sighing. "Really guys?" His lisp clearly heard. "We have to do this now?" Vriska shot a glare at him, getting up from the table. "I'm going to the bathroom." She flipped her long hair over her shoulder, and walked away.

Karkat wished he could disappear. He wanted to just curl up on his bed with Sollux, and never try making more friends again. 

Another boy, sitting next to Gamzee and looking rather awkward and nervous, sighed. "Uh, Sorry about her.." Gamzee shook his head, putting an arm around him. "Don't apologize for her, Tavbro." 

Sollux stood up. "Alright. Since that's over, now I can introduce Karkat to the other half of you." He pointed to a girl with long, fluffy-looking hair. She smiled softly, her grey skirt swooshing as she stood up for a moment. "Karkat, that's Aradia, obviously." She smiled, waving.

"Nice to finally meet you." He nodded, smiling. Next, Sollux pointed to the awkward boy next to Gamzee. His hair was shaved off on the sides. He stuttered often. "That's Tavros."

"Uh, hello Karkat..." He grinned awkwardly. Gamzee patted his back, giving him a loving look. Tavros returned the expression. Karkat looked up at Sollux, raising a brow. Sollux nodded, smirking.

Next, the lispy boy pointed to a girl with circular glasses and bucked teeth. "That's Jade." She giggled, smiling. He couldn't help but laugh too. 

Finally, with only two people left, a girl and a boy, he chose the girl first. "That's Terezi." Karkat could obviously tell she was blind, and that she wore red glasses instead of black ones. She carried a white cane, with a red dragons head on it. She smiled, looking in his direction. "Hello Karkat!" She either had really good hearing, or really good smell. Or so he thought.

Finally, Sollux gestured over to the boy. He sighed. "That douche bag over there is Eridan." He wore a long scarf, and hipster glasses. "Shut it Sol. Hello, Kar." He nodded in his direction before shooting a hateful stare at Sollux, and finally returning his attention to Feferi. 

Sollux sat back down next to Karkat, giving him a small kiss to the nose. "See? I told you everything would be alright." The shorted boy giggled, hugging Sollux. Since Vriska ended up leaving, they just bought drinks and hung out for a while.


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