[Chapter 29] The Truth Is Here

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||I just recently got a  new phone and it's really hard getting use to the keyboard, so for now I'll be typing them on my laptop. Sorry for the wait! <3||

Karkat's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His fearsome tears turned to tears of joy. Karkat hugged his lover gently, kissing his head over and over again. "Oh god Sollux, you have no idea how much I've missed you." 

Mr. Vantas smiled, and turned to Sollux's uncle. "You're no longer need here. Leave." 

With clenched fists, he stormed out, muttering to himself. 

Mr. Vantas went to stand beside Karkat, resting his hand on his son's shoulder. He looked down at Sollux with his eyes closed. "We're glad you're alright, Sollux. Karkat here has been visiting you nearly every day. I know he's missed you. " 

Sollux smiled up at Karkat. "I missed him too." 

Suddenly, there was loud screaming in the hallway. Karkat, being the curious little shit he was, walked over to the door. He looked out the small, rectangular window. 

It was Sollux's uncle and Meenah. They were yelling at each other.

"Whale it's not my fault the little shit didn't kick the bucket!"

"Yeah it is, you little bitch! You were suppose to kill the fucker! Put 'em in a coma or some shit! This is all your fault! I'm not payin' you this time!"

Meenah seemed infuriated. "What?! You betta pay me! I worked my ass off to get you what you wanted!" 

Karkat slammed the door open, glaring at them both. Mr. Vantas came up behind him. "Son, what's going on?"

"I'll tell you what's going on! These two...They did this! They were both involved in this!" He looked as if he was going to explode. 

"This piece of trash paid her to hurt us." 

Mr. Vantas looked at both of them. "This is true?" 

Meenah pulled her "innocent" look on him. "No sir! This man tried to pay me to hurt them! It wasn't me!"

Not believing a word she said, Karkat's father crossed his arms and looked at the doctor that was now coming down the hall. "Excuse me, sir?"

The doctor looked at the group. "Yes, what can I do for you all?" 

"These two were involved in the attempted murder of Sollux Captor. Will you please call the police?" 

The doctor looked at the nearby secretary. She nodded and began quickly dialing 911. Mr. Vantas looked down at Karkat. "Excuse me while I go help her." 

Karkat nodded, shot the two a glare, and retreated to Sollux's room. He closed the door behind him and smiled. Sollux looked startled. 'W-What's going on?" 

Karkat leaned down and kissed his head. "I'll tell you later, alright? For now, just get some real sleep. Also.." He pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a bag of candy. Sollux giggled. 

"Don't let the nurse see it." Sollux nodded and hid it under his blanket. "Thanks, Kk." 

"Anytime. I love you." 

Sollux smiled, and pulled Karkat down to kiss him. They had missed each other's touch. Their lips met gently. Hearts racing, minds blurring, the passion in the kiss was enough to set the world on fire. They pulled away slowly, looking at each other. Giggling, Karkat nuzzled Sollux's nose before handing him the small plush bee. Sollux hugged it tightly, burying his face in it.

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