[Chapter 8] Friends...?

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Lunch fucking sucked.
Since the school had so many kids, they had to have two different lunches so they all could actually fit into the lunch room. Karkat sat in the far back, alone. Most of the time he didn't eat, no matter how good the food smelled and how hungry he was. Instead, he doodled in his extra notebooks. But today was different. Someone came up to his table. Karkat covered his head, ready for his usual unfinished food shower the seniors gave him. But instead, the person said a simple "Hey bro." Karkat peeked one eye open. He was a rather tall fellow, sort of lanky and clumsy. He had black sweatpants with grey dots on them and a black shirt with an indigo hoodie along with it. His sleeves were rolled up.
"Um...Hi...?" Karkat asked, confused. The taller boy sat down eagerly with his food. "So you're the little motherfucker Sollux has been up and nonstop talking about, aren't you?" He smiled. Karkat looked at him weird, but nodded. The boy's grin got wider.
"Karkat, right? I'm Gamzee!" He stuck his hand out. Karkat shook it lightly.
"Nice to meet you, Karbro! You sure are a little thing, aren't you? And it looks like you don't eat much, but you sure as hell can up and motherfucking draw!" He peered over at Karkat's notebook. Karkat stumbled for words. "Well, uh...I've been in art for a few years...since elementary school..." He said quietly. Gamzee's jaw dropped. "Wow! That's long! No wonder you're so good. Hey, you gotta all up and meet my motherfucking bros! Over here guys!" He called across the lunchroom. A group of people came over to the empty table. They all looked very kind, but Karkat was still cautious. One girl, who seemed really energetic and had long hair, ran up to Karkat and hugged him tightly.
"Awwww you're so adorable! No wonder Sollux is in love with you! Oh glub, he rambles about you nonstop!" The girl giggled.
"Feferi, I do believe Karkat needs a bit of personal space, don't you agree?" Another girl said. She was tall, and had a long red skirt on, along with a black long sleeved shirt. She had short, nicely styled hair. She was very pretty, and clearly fashionable, although not snobby. "Hello Karkat, I am Kanaya. I apologize. She tends to get overly excited." Kanaya stuck out her hand, and Karkat took it. He could tell that she was a gentle, loving friend. Almost like a mother to them all. She was accompanied by a slightly shorter blonde girl with shorter hair, and very short girl with a cat-like hat on, and another male who seemed to be protective over her. He was tall and very buff. He must be related to coach Darkleer.
Kanaya introduced the blonde girl as Rose, who wore a simple white shirt with a strange character on it, along with a shorter skirt. She mostly spoke to Kanaya the whole time, but talked to Karkat kindly. The smaller brunette girl with the short messy hair hopped up onto the table, her light weight barely moving a thing.
"Hmm...." She looked him dead in the eye. He didn't move. She wore a green coat over her grey pants and black shirt. She had black gloves on and a blue tail to match her hat. She smiled.
"Karkitty!" She said, purring the nickname as she tackled him, causing him to fall backwards. The larger male became frustrated.
"Nepeta, I highly disagree with these actions, and you know that the principal doesn't allow you to wear your tail." He picked her up off of Karkat and set her down on the table where she wanted to be. "Fine. Sorry Equius!"
"Careful, Karbro." Gamzee lifted Karkat back up. "You alright, motherfucker?"
Karkat nodded, thanking him. He looked around at all the people he just met. They all had taken a seat around the table, smiling at him. For once in his life, he smiled back, and laughed. They spent the rest of the lunch together, claiming that table as their "territory".

Or at least that's what Nepeta called it.
Hey guys! I gave two extra chapters because I was so tired. Also if you're wondering, the rest of the kids aren't left out! They're just in Sollux's lunch period.
Thanks for reading~! <3

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