[Chapter 18] A Day For Us

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|| Ahhh you guys are so kind!!! All of your comments are so sweet! Thank you so much!! ||

Sollux held Karkat's hand as they walked through the small park, ignoring the disgusted glances coming from the people around them.

Sollux held his lover's hand proudly, while Karkat hid behind him. Sollux chuckled and turned to him, lifting his head.

"Don't be intimidated by these useless fucks. You're too cute for that." He kissed his lips lovingly, causing the people around them to move away quickly, except for a few.

Karkat smiled, and pulled away. They continued walking. Karkat took note of everything around him. He seemed to be very good at remembering every one of these little details. Like how bright green the grass was, or how blue the sky was, or even how many clouds were there that day.

He took note of everything there. He made sure to remembered the flowers that grew beside the sidewalk, the park pond rippling slightly. He made sure to never forget the girl who fell off her bike, and the nice man who helped her back up, or the two children blowing bubbles while their parents watched, a smile on their faces.

Karkat sighed. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

The walked towards a tree with a nice shade, and sat down.

"Wow Sollux, you really are lame." Karkat chuckled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek playfully as Sollux sat the basket down.

"Hey! You're the romantic one! Just be lucky I studied your favorite rom-coms for you." Sollux flusteredly sat a blanket under them, the same way it happened in most romantic movies Karkat enjoyed.

Karkat blushed and sat down. "You...You really did watch them?"

Sollux nodded, embarrassed. He took out two sodas from the basket, along with a couple lunchtime snacks.

It was so corny, but so perfect.

Karkat took a sip of the cold soda, letting out a soft sigh just after. It was refreshing to finally have relief of the suns heat.


After their small lunch, Karkat had an idea. He took his shoes off and stood on the grass, his toes curling up in the soft green blades. Sollux raised a brow as he put the last of the leftover food in the basket.

"What are you doing, kk?" He stood up and watched him.

"Have you ever felt the grass under your feet? It feels nice." He wiggled his toes and chuckled. "Shoes off, Captor!"

Sollux laughed and slipped them off with ease. "As long as I don't have to remove anything else."

Karkat rolled his eyes ran off, laughing and throwing his hands up.

Sollux looked at him, confused, and chased after him. "Hey! Wait for me!" They ran through the grass and around the trees.

Sollux was slowly gaining on him, laughing as well. Karkat smirked and ran down the sidewalk, towards the huge fountain in the middle of the park.

When Sollux was so close to getting him, and reached out to grab him, his target made a sharp turn, causing him to trip and fall into the fountain.

Although it wasn't deep, his whole body went underwater.

As soon as he resurfaced, and looked around, the only thing he saw was Karkat, laying about three feet away from the fountain, dying of laughter.

Sollux crossed his arm and pouted. Karkat noticed and tried to stifle his laugh and he walked over to him.

"You little shit." Sollux mumbled, unable to stay mad. Karkat smiled and extended a hand to help him out.

Of course, everyone around the park know where this was going.

Sollux pulled Karkat towards him. Karkat, caught off guard, tripped over the side of the fountain and fell in with him.

Sollux sat there as he waited for Karkat to come back up. Once he did, his hair was a moppy mess. His clothes looked much bigger on him than before. He pouted and splashed Sollux with a eave of water.

To sum it all up, they had a splash fight for about 5 minutes until the 'park police' appeared upon getting a public disturbance call. The boys took off running back towards their picnic area, laughing.

Karkat rested his hands above his head and breathed heavily. "That was great."

Sollux leaned against the tree in an attempt to catch his breathe. "Hell...yeah.."

They chuckled. Karkat kissed Sollux's cheek and reached into the picnic basket to make sure their phones were still their. Sure enough, they were. It was already 4:30. He would have to be home soon to help clean up for dinner.

Sollux needed to be home soon as well. He had plenty to do before the night came upon them.

They kissed each other and gathered up their things, heading home hand in hand once again. They passed up the fountain and chuckled when the 'park police' didn't even notice them.


Sollux decided to walk Karkat home. They discreetly gave each other their love and said their goodbyes, separating until Monday.

Karkat stepped inside, seeing Kankri at the kitchen counter.

Kankri stared at him for a minute. Karkat stared back. After what seemed like forever, Kankri spoke.

"Karkat, dear. You're tracking water everywhere."

Karkat laughed and gave Kankri the biggest hug he could, of course soaking Kankri in the process, and ran off to his room.


This chapter might be a little confusing or lame but I don't know. I mean I wrote this in class while we had a substitute. ||

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