[Chapter 13] I'll Do Something

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So..quick question....



He was being shaken back to realitly. He opened his eyes. "What- What, what?" He turned his head back and forth, until he realized he was still sitting on the couch, looking at his brother. "What is it?"

"Well, you sort of spaced out there.." Kankri looked at him, concerned. "Are you alright?"

Karkat sighed. He just couldn't stop thinking about it. It had been such a great night. But would he really be willing to give up his virginity to Sollux, or was it just the heat of the moment? He ran a hand over his face.

"Yeah, uh, I'm just going to go on to bed." He stood him, stretching until his back and a few other places popped.

Kankri stood up next to him. "Well, alright. Be careful doing that, Karkat. I-"
He cut him off, sighing. "Kankri you've told me this plenty of times. You know how I am. I'll never listen." He smiled, walking off to his bedroom. Shaking his head, Kankri went off to his room.

School was terrible. The kids were worse than usual. Constantly bothering Karkat, sticking notes on his back. He pretended like they didn't happen. Telling Sollux would worry him, and he didn't want to do that.

When they met after school, Sollux noticed that Karkat seemed quieter than usual. They had been walking home, wanting to stop for ice cream before they got there. He stepped in front of the smaller boy, easily blocking his path.

Without thinking, Karkat responded with a slightly stern "What?". Sollux frowned, immediately making Karkat feel bad.
"Wait. Fuck. I'm sorry." He looked down, running a hand through his hair. Today was already bad enough. Making things worse with Sollux wouldn't help. "I didn't mean that. I just-" He was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips softly touching his. He made a soft sound of surprise at first, but eventually gave up and kissed back.

They pulled away, a small smile on each of their faces. "Now." Sollux spoke gently. "Tell me what's wrong. Don't leave anything out."

They headed towards the small shop, buying ice cream and talking for a while.

"WHAT?!" Sollux drew the attention of the entire shop. Karkat looked down at his shake, frowning.

"KK, you can't let them do this to you!" He banged his fist on the table. "I'm going to do something about this." This made Karkat look up at him, a terrified expression on his face.

"No!" He suddenly shrunk back down into his seat. "I-It's not that big of a deal, I mean..."

Sollux looked at him like he was crazy. "KK. They shot spitballs at you in fourth period!" His lisp was even more noticeable the angrier he got. "They're not getting away with this!"

Karkat continued to hide his face in some way. Sollux noticed, and sighed. He slid out of his side of the booth and sat back down on Karkat's side. "I'm sorry. I can't let people do this to you. You're mine. I'm suppose to protect you." He gave him a small smile. Karkat couldn't stay mad at him, and returned the expression with a soft giggle and a kiss on the Captor's neck, since that was all he could reach.

"Thanks Sollux." He whimpered for a kiss. Sollux reluctantly leaned down and gave it to him.

"It's what I'm suppose to do. For you."

I hope you like this little bit. It's not much, mostly because I've been busy with school, but hopefully it's enough for now?

Thanks lovelies! <3

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