[Chapter 28] What Do We Do Now?

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||I am so sorry that I didn't upload this sooner. I just got SO FUCKING PISSED BECAUSE I HAD SOMETHING AWESOME TYPED OUT AND FOR SOME REASON FUCKING WATTPAD DIDN'T AUTOSAVE LIKE IT USUALLY DOES so sorry but this is close enough.||

It had been almost two weeks since the incident. Sollux had been in the hospital ever since. The only thing keeping him alive was the hospital machines.

Karkat locked himself up in his room ever since. He barely ate anymore. His family rarely saw him, except when he came out to shower, or to snack on something small. Each time they saw him, they gave him warm, loving smiles.

His friends would stop by to check on him. Gamzee the most. Gamzee was there when Karkat needed someone to listen, someone to help him, or just someone to cry on. They had become really close friends ever since. Whenever Karkat was upset, Gamzee was the first one he would call. He didn't mind not one bit.

After a few days when the doctor finally allowed Sollux some visitors, Karkat was so terrified to see him again. He was the last one to go into his room. Everyone else went in first, one by one. When it was Karkat's turn, Gamzee had to walk him inside, as if Karkat was a small child. He was too afraid to even touch Sollux. He was scared that if he did, Sollux would shatter into a million pieces. It took him forever.

Karkat was always the one to stay the longest at the hospital. He would come in every day, pull up the chair next to Sollux and sit with him. He'd talk to him. Sometimes he'd read to him. Especially his favorite comics. He even got Sollux a small plush bee to keep with him.

Every afternoon, when the nurse came by to check on Sollux, and tell him that visiting hours were over, he kissed Sollux on the cheek and set the bee back on the bed. He would hold it and cuddle it every afternoon, so it would smell just like him when Sollux woke up.

If he ever woke up.

Karkat got better little by little. He smiled a little more often, especially when he got to see Sollux. He even took up photography as a distraction. It made him feel great. He was so excited to show Sollux all the pictures he took. They were beautiful.

But his happiness was soon crushed when the doctor told him that they couldn't keep Sollux on the machine for much longer.

"He's in a lot of pain, Mr. Vantas."

Karkat could overhear the doctor talking to his father.

"Isn't there anything you can do to help him?" Mr. Vantas asked, a little upset.

"I'm afraid not. If he doesn't wake up soon, pulling the plug may be the only option. I'm sorry."

Mr. Vantas sighed, thanked the doctor for all his help, and sat back down next to Karkat. He was almost in tears.

"D-Dad...We can't let Sollux die..." He pushed himself into his dad's arms, crying out almost anything he had left.

"I know son. I'm so sorry. We just have to hope for the best. And we have to hope that his uncle doesn't hear about this."

Karkat wiped his eyes with his jacket sleeve and looked at him. "Why is that?"

"We'll son...I'm not allowed to make the choice on whether Sollux lives or not..."

Karkat's eyes watered yet again. "What do you mean...?"

"It has to be his immediate family. Not us. Since his uncle is closest to him, and his aunt or brother haven't come down to see him yet, we have to keep this news as far away from him as-"

Before he could finish, the door at the end of the hallway opened with a loud bang as it hit the wall.

Standing there, was Sollux's uncle.

Mr. Vantas stood up, along with Karkat. He stood in front of him.

"Whale, whale, whale." His uncle chuckled at the pun. The smell of alcohol filled the hallway.

Karkat glared at him. His fists were clenched. His hid behind his father. Mr. Vantas spoke firmly.

"What are you doing here?"

His uncle looked at him like he was an idiot. "That brain o' yers gone dead, boy? I'm here to see my nephew, dumbass. Dem hot nurses down there suuuure put up a fight, not wanting me in here, but I bribed em real good." He grinned and looked over to Karkat.

"Damn, Vantas, you poison your kid with lies about me? Well he looks downright terrified."

Mr. Vantas nearly gave him a death stare.

"You should leave."

Sollux's uncle began laughing. "Excuuuuuse me, but who here is that boy's actual family, huh?"

He made his voice extremely high pitched and girly. "Sollux is in so much pain~ We can't let him stay on the machine~ Remember?"

His laugh was evil and corrupt, as if he were a super villan on Saturday morning cartoons.

Karkat looked up at his dad. His face was angry. "You don't deserve to choose the life of that boy. Do you hear me? You haven't been any kind of guardian to him, and you damn, well know it. So why don't you get your sorry ass out of this hospital, and go home."

His uncle became furious. He pushed his way past Karkat's dad and into Sollux's room where the doctor was.

"Sir, you can't-"

"You listen here! That boy can't be in all that so-called "pain" he's in. I want that plug pulled, now!"

Karkat ran into the room, hugging over Sollux. "No! I won't let you!"

"Karkat!" His dad called after, rushing in after him.

"Get away from him! He doesn't deserve to die!"

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are in no condition to be here and-"

"I said pull the damn plug! You hear me, doc? Get that boy away from my nephew!"

"No! Please!" Karkat leaned his head down on Sollux's chest, crying as he listened to his heartbeat.

"Sollux...I-I love you...Please don't die on me..."

Karkat felt as if the world was frozen. It was only him and Sollux. He stared down at his lover. Their song played in his head.

Just before Karkat gave up, he heard a dry, raspy noise.

"Hey kk.."

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