[Chapter 26] Trouble

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||Bleh so im just getting this done now because my birthday was Wednesday (The 1st) and yeeah.||

Signless came home a few minutes later. The boys had made dinner for him quite quickly while he was gone. He smiled and ruffled each of their heads, feeling lucky to have them.

After dinner, the Vantas family was in their usual stomach-settling places. Signless reading the paper, Kankri indulged in a novel, and Karkat playing a video game he recently bought.

As the night dragged on, Kankri stood up. "Well, I'm going off to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight son." Signless said, looking up from the paper. Karkat paused his game and looked up at his brother. "Night dude."

As soon as Kankri went off to his room, Karkat got up and went to sit on the couch. He looked over at his dad.

"Yes son?" Mr. Vantas looked up from the paper without Karkat having to say a word.

Karkat rested his head on his arms, sighing.

"Is Sollux going to be okay?"

Mr. Vantas sighed and got up out of his chair to sit with Karkat.

"I'm sure he will son. Hey, he has you, doesn't he?"

Karkat smiled and hugged him. "Thanks dad. For everything."

Signless chuckled and hugged him back. "Anytime son. It's late, you might wanna go on to bed, alright?"

Karkat nodded and went off to his room. Signless smiled, sighing softly.


The next morning, Sollux came to school wearing shades instead of his glasses. Karkat thought he was being silly.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside, nerd?"

Sollux smiled at him. "I'm being that Strider kid for a day." He whispered. Him and Egbert weren't that far away from them.

"I wanna try!" Karkat reached up for the glasses.

"K-Kk no, wait!"

Karkat pulled Sollux's glasses off, looking at his eye.

It was swollen. Sollux couldn't open it. He could tell where the blood was wiped away. Sollux sighed and looked away.


"It's nothing. I need to get to class." Without turning back to look at Karkat, he walked off. Karkat stood in the middle of the hall. Everyone had scurries to their classes.

He looked down. With a soft sigh, and teary eyes, he walked slowly to his class, taking his time to make up an excuse.


By the time they got to their last period class, Karkat frowned. Sollux wasn't there.

He tapped on the shoulder of one of his classmates. They looked up at him, putting their pencil down from doing the homework from last night. "Hey...Where's Sollux?"

"I dunno man. Meenah is missing too. You think she did somethin'?"

Karkat's heart dropped. "I-I gotta go.." He quickly sprinted out of the classroom, and down the empty hall. He raced downstairs and snuck out the bus area doors. He everyone at lunch was talking about how Meenah usually beat up kids behind the school, where none of the teachers were allowed to go, due to the fact that it was too far from their outside break area.

He turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Meenah and her group of friends were right there, a smirk on their face, as if they were expecting him.

"Whale, whale, whale." She laughed at her own pun. "Look who decided to show up. Come lookin for your boyfriend- I mean, my boyfriend?" She laughed and pushed Karkat down, towering over him. He propped himself up on his elbows with a grunt. "H-He's not your boyfriend...He told me that you forced him to take the picture..."

Meenah raised a brow and nodded her head towards two of her followers. They nodded back and turned around the corner, heading towards the bleachers. It was too far away to see, so Karkat didn't know what was going on.

"Whaddaya lookin' at, runt?" She kicked him in the side. He doubled over in pain. "Why are you doing this.." He coughed out, a little breathless.

"Because, squirt!" She raised him up by his collar. "I was doin' it as a game first. But now, I've got a reason to."

Karkat glared at her. "And what's that?"

She grinned, and proceeded to punch him right in the jaw. Karkat fell to the ground, whimpering.


[10 minutes earlier]

Sollux coughed, curled up on the ground. "Please...n-no more.."

"You see, babe." She delivered a kick to his stomach. "I only get a good amount if you're bruised up pretty bad. If he's not satisfied when you get home, I don't get enough. You understand?"

Sollux could barely speak. He could barely breathe. "I'm not your babe, bitch."

Meenah glared at him and turned around, facing two guys.

"Alright boys. That little man stealer will be here any moment. Get this little prick outta my sight, and make sure he doesn't get anywhere. If his little "crush" says anything worth beatin' him, you two are gonna do it. Ya hear?"

They nodded, each of them picking Sollux up by his arms. They carried him over to the storage unit under the bleachers and tied his wrists together and then his legs. They gagged him. Sollux's head hurt, as well as his face. He knew he would have bruises, but he didn't care. He just didn't want them touching Karkat.

"Stay here, you little fuck. Oh that's right, you have no choice." The two boys laughed, high-fived, and left, making sure to close the garage-like door with a slam. Sollux whimpered. The only light he had was from a small window. He scooted back into the corner, a small tear falling from his bruised eye.

A few minutes later, the boys returned. They had Karkat. He just knew it. Sollux glared at them. They boys laughed.

"So, fag, you told your little boyfriend the truth? That was a mistake."


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