[Chapter 2] A Friend

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I would like to thank whoever read this, because I'm a shitty writer! :3

"Hello Karkat." He spoke politely, smiling softly as he set his book down. Karkat mumbled a small "Hi" in return, heading for the fridge for milk as well. Kankri sighed.

"Another rough day, I suppose?" He questioned, watching as his younger brother opened the cupboard for a small plate.

"Same as usual." He said as he opened the freezer, grabbing a Hot Pocket and setting it, along with the plate, into the microwave. He set the timer and pushed "Start".

"Karkat it's been about 2 months now. Still no one?" He asked, referring to the fact that Karkat still isn't very good with making friends.

"Nope." Karkat said flatly, not looking at his brother. Instead watched as the microwaves clear glass plate turned around and around. After 2 minutes, it dinged. He sat it, along with his milk, onto the table, across from his concerned brother.

"Have you even tried?" He set his book aside, crossing his arms. Karkat just shrugged.  "No point."
Kankri thought for a moment. "Remember last week when I introduced you to Mituna?"

Karkat nodded as he took a bite of his food. "He has a younger brother in your grade. Maybe you should try to talk to him." Kankri suggested.

"If he's anything like Mituna, no thanks."

Kankri smiled. "Relax, he's not as wild. He's mostly into technology, however. I think you two could get along nicely. He might even be able to help with the small problem with your computer. His name is Sollux."

"How would I even start of a conversation with him?" He asked, taking another bite.

"Use the computer as an excuse."

Karkat just sighed, finishing the last of his little snack.

Feeling bad because he was unable to help, he looked over to the brand-new rom-com their dad had bought especially for Karkat. He grinned, reaching over and picking it up. "How about a movie night?" He asked, holding up the movie case. Unable to resist, Karkat smiled softly. "Did dad pick it up for me?" He asked, taking the movie and looking over it.

"You know he did. He knew you weren't having luck at school. I helped him pick it out." He smiled to himself. Karkat looked over to the clock that was neatly placed right above the kitchen window. It was only 4:30pm.

"We'll start around 8. I've got some work to take care of. I'm sure you do too. In the mean time, maybe you should contact Sollux." He smirked, taking his book and half empty glass of milk off to his bedroom. Karkat trudged to his own bedroom, sitting down at his computer and tossing the movie onto his unmade bed.

'Should I message him?' He thought. He logged into his computer and opened the browser. He pulled up his music player at the same time. As he scrolled through his playlist for the perfect song, his mind turned to the worst of things. 'What if he laughs at me, and tells the whole school?' He questioned. 'What if they all look at the messages, and accuse me of flirting with him? He sighed. Obviously he was gay, but he would never tell anyone. Not even Kankri. He probably knows anyway. He finally found "Little Lion Man" by Mumford and Sons. He clicked play, relaxing and listening. It wasn't completely in his music area, but it was a nice song.

He opened up his Trollian themed messenger. Apparently only rich kids with lots of money can buy the Pesterchum theme. Well, that's what they say at school anyway. Of course, the theme is actually only $5, but of course, no parent is going to waste 5 bucks on a measly messaging site unless you were to have enough money to not give a fuck what you do with it.  Only 8 kids out of the whole school have it. 4 kids in Karkat's grade, and their 4 older brother's and sisters in Kankri's grade. Only a few kids abuse and brag about it, but it's not much.

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