Chapter 7: Aiden

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I walked into the giant school, this thing was huge. I looked down at the schedule the desk lady gave me and saw room number 204 on the sheet along with the name: Mrs. Bird. Great just great, junior year and I get the meanest teacher as my homeroom teacher. I hurried in the hallway and watched the room numbers fly by, 198, 200, 202. Almost there. When I looked at the clock I saw I only had 5 minutes to get into that classroom. Then I collided with someone else, I fell down and hit my head pretty hard on the floor but it would take a lot more than that to knock me out.
"Oh my god are you ok?" I heard a deeper voice ask with concern. I nodded and started to sit up holding my head as if in pain, trying to seem normal.
"Yeah I'm fine, just hit my head," I said truthfully with my eyes still partly closed as if in pain.
"I'm so sorry I should've been paying attention," he said. I opened my eyes slowly and was shocked at what I saw. A boy my age was sitting in front of me frowning in concern for me. He had blonde quiffed hair and bright blue eyes and was somewhat taller than he should be. To sum things up, he was cute.
"No really it's fine, I'm Aiden by the way," I said while getting up. He stood as well and smiled kindly to me.
"I'm Luke, let me help you," Luke said picking up some of my books and my schedule.
"It's ok I've got it," I said picking up some of my stuff but he had gotten most of it.
"Here, and it looks like you have Mrs. Bird, good luck with her I used to have her as homeroom as well, she's as awful as people make her sound," Luke said smiling slightly while handing my books and schedule back to me.
"Yeah thanks, I hope to see you around Luke," I said before heading off to the room number 204.
"Same to you Aiden, maybe next time I won't run over you," he said laughing. I turned around and smiled before walking into the room with the number 204 printed over the door frame.
"You were almost late, I hope you have a good excuse as to why you almost became late," a shrewd old lady stood at the front of the class, no wonder her name is Mrs. Bird, her nose is really long, almost like a bird beak. She wore a pencil skirt with a white dress shirt and black high heels that would break my ankle if I tired to wear them. She had brown hair that is now almost completely silver with age in a tight bun and she wore old reader glasses. One of my worst nightmares.
"I ran into someone and I almost got lost, I hope I didn't miss anything," I said truthfully. In my head I said to myself, I bet you can write on the board with that nose.
"You missed lunch count, did you bring a sack lunch or are you eating the school lunch?" She asked standing straighter than before, is that even possible?
"I brought my own lunch," I said looking for an open seat. A girl with blonde, purple and blue hair had an open seat next to her. I walked over and sat down next to her, I could smell the nervousness on her and it was coming off in waves.
"I'm Aiden, who are you?" I asked her quietly.
"Alice, have you met the new girl before?" Alice asked looking up to meet my eyes with her ever changing eyes.
"Cool eyes and no," I said.
"Thanks, you should find me at lunch then you can meet her, she's different and I feel like you are too," Alice said even quieter at the end. Again I wondered if that was even possible.
"Ladies in the back stop talking class is starting," Mrs. Bird said sternly and pointed at me and Alice.
"Sorry Mrs. Bird," I heard Alice mutter.
"Yeah sorry," I said looking away from the long-nosed teacher, she was just creepy. Then it dawned on me what Alice was talking about. Whoever this new girl was, she was special as in my type of special. She was a monster like me and judging by the way Alice said this new girl was different told me that she was as well. And looking at Mrs. Bird I can tell that she is as well, she's a bird like monster, a possible enemy later on. Where is this new girl? I looked at the door, hoping she might come in.

Sorry for slow update! Do you like the story so far? Please let me know and I'll try to get the next part up soon!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now