Chapter 18: Aiden

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I ran to my car as soon as my hair was done, and sat there impatiently for my mom as she payed, my hair had been dyed so the tips were no longer blue, so I just had brown hair and blonde streaks, my natural hair and I glanced up into the mirror on the my side and saw there was just slight hints to brown eyes coming. Obviously a werewolf thing, before we left to get my hair done there was a little hint that my blue eyes were turning brown. And just a any normal color, it was almost a hazel color, kinda like the alpha's power is permanently on me. Then my mom walked back to the car, I tapped my foot as she came and she slowly opened the door. Are you freaking kidding me.
"Mom can you just please in the car?" I asked almost bouncing in my seat.
"Yeah, why are you in such a hurry?" She replied as she sat down, hopefully done teasing me.
"Just start driving to Roselyn's house, I'll explain on the way," I muttered tapping my foot.
"Ok, explain please" mom said as we started toward Rose's house.
"Roselyn's father is the dark person we have been seeing, she is his opposite and we all have to unlock our greatest powers, in light, not dark. Roselyn says that Alice's visions were of us in the darkness, except she stayed light, well kinda. The point is I need to help them this weekend, with their powers and I'll be able to discover the true power of the alpha," I said proudly. My mom nodded and stared ahead at the road.
"I have complete faith in you girls, do me a favor," she said not tearing her eyes from the road as a drunk driver swerved into our lane, heading toward our car, "kick his ass, take care of yourself sweetheart, I love you." And the car smashed into our car, I blacked out after letting a cry of protest.
I opened my eyes and stared at a white ceiling. I remembered everything in an instant and I sat up and screamed. I was in a hospital with tubes and machines hooked up to me all over my body. A nurse ran into my room and pushed me gently back down making me lay down.
"It's ok, what startled you?" She asked kindly and my heartbeat quickened.
"Where is my mom?" I croaked out, tears coming to my eyes.
"She isn't doing good, she is in danger of death unfortunately," the nurse said with concern in her voice, her accent that I couldn't place had pity and sadness layered on it.
I let the tears start falling, she's not gonna make it. I bowed my head and cried as the nurse comforted me and gave me encouraging words telling me it would be all ok. I didn't listen as we waited, she stood up and got permission for me to go and visit her. As soon as she detached me from all the machines the nurse helped me down the hallway to my mother's room. As soon as we arrived I cried and ran over to her, she opened her eyes.
"A-Aiden, be strong, I will a-always love-" the life support system went offline and the heart monitor gave the long note letting me know that it was over, she was gone. I sobbed and held her tight to me screaming for her to come back. Then after awhile I sat up and my heartbeat quickened, my teeth grew out I glanced over at the life support system and saw it unplugged, I screamed in rage, my broken bones healed and power rushed through my veins, my nails grew out. There was a terrible pain in my eyes as I gained true alpha power. The windows shattered as I howled, the nurse fainted, but then a light blossomed inside of me, my anger left me and I heard my mother's voice.
"Don't turn to the dark my alpha, go toward the light, I may be gone in physical form, but I'm not gone in your mind. Go now my daughter find your fate and defeat Dracula, overcome the eclipse, you are destined to lead and to win," her voice echoes like it was in a tunnel. My claws resided and I felt a new power inside of me start to take shape. I felt weightless, free, and light. A light sprouted from my chest and I turned wolf but this time I had white tips all over. When I howled this time a beam of white light shot from my mouth to the sky and and I jumped out the shattered window, and I started my journey to Roselyn's house.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now