Chapter 2: Roselyn

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I walked alone in the empty streets of my town in the dark. Nothing moved, if it had I would've heard them given the fact that I am a vampire. Then just my luck I heard someone, more like I smelled someone. I ran as quickly as I could following my nose to the source of the wonderful smell of fresh human blood. The person was huddled up against a wall in an alley the person was shivering and was bleeding badly out of their arm. It was a boy, no older than 17.
"Help me please." He whispered. I just stood there staring at him I was growing hungrier by the second.
"No I can't help, I can only destroy." I said resisting my inner monster.
"Please, I can't stay here they attacked me and left me here to bleed, they hurt my leg" The boy said shivering again.
"I can't" I said again and turned away
"I need your help, please" He said. That's when I snapped. I spun around and bit him in the neck sucking most of his blood out, leaving some behind to change him.
"I'm sorry" I whisper to him and ran off to my house not looking back. If I could've cried I would've, but I couldn't it's hard to feel something when you're dead, when you're a monster.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now