Chapter 8: Roselyn

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Of course. I'm late to my first class just because I got lost. Now I'm going to get the biggest earful of yelling for being late. I should at least get a free pass for being new to this school. I looked up and I stopped walking all at once, the world seemed to stop. It was him. The boy from the alley that I turned into a vampire, he was here and paler than ever. When I had met him in the alley he had tan skin and looked really heathy except for his injured leg, he should have lived much longer and shouldn't have died this early like me. He had pale skin and deep brown eyes, with brown hair that came to his forehead. I tried to imagine him with his red eyes and I shivered. He saw me just then and met my eyes, he was obviously stunned at the fact that I was here. Then the bell rang and I snapped out of my long trance and kept walking, he would never forgive me because he is now tied to me. If I manage to die he will as well, and there are many ways to kill a vampire. Their head could be torn off, burned by a fire, stabbed in the heart by a vampire hunter, or have their fangs ripped out so they can't eat. I'm experienced though, for a somewhat new vampire I can handle myself really well. No vampire hunter has managed to touch me because before they can sense me I kill them. I walked faster now, this school didn't seem normal at all, there was something in the air that scared me. I could smell many beasts inside the students and some teachers. There weren't many humans here and there was something else that felt weird in the air but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I came to the door with the number 204 over it. I took a deep breath then knocked on the door.
"Come in," I heard a stern voice say. I opened the door and walked inside slowly, I saw Alice sitting next to a girl with deep brown and dip dyed blue hair. She was special too, werewolf.
"You're late miss Fox," an old woman said from the front of the room. Mrs. Bird.
"Sorry I got lost," I said truthfully. And moved over to a seat near Alice and the werewolf.
"I will let you go just this once because you are new, don't let it happen again or else you will end up in detention. Do I make myself clear?" Mrs. Bird said walking over to me and glaring down at me past her bird-like nose. Obvious monster. A Strige probably.
"Yes Mrs. Bird I understand," I said looking down at my text book.
"Good, now let's get back to math," Mrs. Bird said turning to the board.
"Hey, purple eyed girl," I heard a voice whisper. I turned and saw the werewolf smiling at me.
"Yes?" I said quietly.
"I'm Aiden, you must be the new girl right?" Aiden said a little louder.
"Yeah, I'm Roselyn, hey during study hall we should go to the library, I have to talk to you and Alice there," I said after glancing at Mrs. Bird who was teaching so random geography stuff.
"Ok, see you then," Aiden said smiling again. I nodded then turned my attention back to Mrs. Bird who just called on me.
"What is the volume of this sphere, miss Fox would you like to answer?" She said pointing at me.
"Sure," I said standing and walking to the board with my calculator.
"Wait, no calculator, I want to see if you can really do this," Mrs. Bird said holding out her hand for my calculator. I nodded and gave her my calculator silently. I thought hard while staring at the sphere and the radius. 4 over 3 times pi times 4 times 3.
"Roughly 268.08 centimeters," I said automatically. I turned to the class and saw everyone staring at me in amazement. When I turned to Mrs. Bird I saw pride in her eyes.
She leaned toward me and said, "Well done, my little vampire." I shivered then turned to her.
"How do you know?" I asked quietly.
"Only a vampire can do that without a calculator when they are your age," she said smiling. I shivered again then walked back to my seat, she knows my secret.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now