Chapter 22: Roselyn

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I held him up in a ring of clouds staring at him with my dull red eyes and he stared back with flaming red ones.
"Why? I actually was starting to like you," I said with tears in my eyes.
"Because you're dumb, I never wanted to be friends with you," he spat bitterly. I shook my head then I felt anger bubble inside of me.
"Damn you," I said quietly before screaming, "dammit why!?" And shook him angrily. I never scream and here I was screaming in his face.
"I never liked you, Dracula is better than you bitch. Why didn't you join us when you had the chance?" He asked.
"Because I'm the light," I said and right on cue Alice broke through the cloud layer below us.
"Am I late?" She asked smiling. I shook my head with a grin.
"Your right on time."
"Great Rosie, glad I could assist you in your fight," she said mocking me. I smiled again and threw Joseph into the air, as he started to fall Alice made the clouds form a dense cloud and he landed on it, it definitely wasn't comfortable that's for sure. I swooped in and picked him up by the back of his neck my long nails digging into the soft flesh. He cried in pain and I hissed nodding to Alice who was waiting for the signal. She held up her hand and yelled words in a different language before a storm began, she then flicked her hand to the ground and Aiden came up on a storm cloud and she looked pissed off. Alice then made a cloud arena before landing on the edge of the arena tired out.
"You rest Alice me and Aiden got this!" I yelled to her and faces Joseph who was looking quite terrified now. Aiden rushed forward as I lunched into the air. Aiden howled and the sun looked like it was falling apart as little specks of light fell off the sun. They transformed into Sun-Wolves and raced behind their glowing leader. I screeched again as I came behind him and swooped down baring my fangs. He tried to dash to the left only to be met by deadly teeth of a group of Sun-Wolves. He turned and tried running to the right but Alice was there despite being tired she stood with a fire ball in her hand. He lost all hope and his creepy features resided and the voice of Darkus sounded,
"You have failed me."
"No please!" He yelled back but Dracula wasn't listening and his presence already left like rain clouds lifting. The storm intensified as Alice slumped back down and I came down still while Aiden was in striking distance. A tear slid down his face as he turned to me. I saw his lips move but I didn't hear his voice, when the moved I saw the unmistakable "I love you" tears clouded my vision and a lightning strike hit close to him sending him to the ground his left side charred away. I landed next to him my wings folding in close to me as I picked up his head and rested it on my lap. I stroked his brown hair as he laid there staring at me.
"I'm so sorry Roselyn, I let myself be corrupted, I'm sorry Aiden too. Tell her I said that." He whispered and Aiden stood off to the side surrounded by the bright wolves.
"It's ok, you have redeemed yourself, let your spirit float to the air and be free," I said then kissed his forehead.
"Thank you Rose, I loved you so much. And you're so beautiful, I wish I could've made the right decision," he said quietly before closing his eyes.
"I loved you too, rest in peace," I whispered and kissed his forehead again with tears in my eyes. I heard his heart stop but not before I felt power come into me, he had transferred his power to me as his last act. He turned to dust as the storm clouds parted and the dust floated into the air through the clouds to heaven.
"Rest in peace."
I wasn't right the next few days as the days went by but Alice and Aiden respected it because I was heartbroken, but he had given me power to help me. When I was ready to start training finally we headed back to the park in silence. But I broke it,
"You guys don't have to act like I'm glass, I have new power now let's kick my father's ass," I said looking back at them with a smile.
"Yeah!" They yelled and we ran with smiles on our faces to the clearing.
"I'm very sorry about the situation that came around please forgive my carelessness, now let's begin my friends," the sorceress said with a grin.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now