Chapter 17: Roselyn

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As soon as I saw that dark figure again, I knew who it was, they call him the voice of evil, Darkus, and the Prince of Darkness. He is thought to be the one who causes nightmares, my own father, Dracula. Everyone knew him, there were old stories that were so inaccurate, he was just a guy who kept a low profile but since people just didn't understand who he was they made stories and changed how he looked, he looked like a goblin when he was in the stories and "myths" and he just looks like a normal guy who was really creepy looking. Alice looked shocked after what I said and I sighed, "guess I don't have a choice to tell you the whole story," I said and sat down on my bed that hasn't been used in a long time. Alice sat next to me and stared at me waiting to hear what I have to say about my father.
"Long ago, my father was the first born vampire, he has a slow growing process but my age goes up fairly faster, he hated how everyone was scared of him and wouldn't play games with him as a child. Later he murdered his own village out of anger and sadness of being set apart from everyone else, so he ran away and trained himself, he grew his powers from darkness earning him the title Darkus, he unlocked powers for vampires that had never been possible before. He could talk to those he knows the name of through their minds, mind control if their minds are weak enough, and so many old powers that are know to have been long forgotten. I am the offspring of a perfect dark vampire, so it's reversed I am the perfect image of a light vampire in training, I am however no where near his strength or abilities. There are many stories and legends passed down from generation to generation about the perfect dark vampire, Dracula, you may know him as that creepy dude that a movie was made up about a long time ago, but the movie is very far off the truth but no one knows this except for those who actually knew him in life," I explained with a grim expression, letting Alice know that I was not even the slightest proud of my father for killing so many people or unlocking incredible powers.
"I-I had no idea that was the story, so if he is called Darkus, what are you called?" She asked concerned about what might happen next.
"Haos, we are opposites so there must be a way I can catch up to him by the eclipse, that's almost a month away that gives me plenty of time to train, you have to help me, you and Aiden both I can't do this on my own," I pleaded to my friend who has helped me this far, I have to push my abilities even further if I'm ever going to help them against my father, if I could just match my strength with my friends we could be unstoppable, Alice the destined enchantress, Aiden the female Alpha, and me, Roselyn the light vampire. We don't have to be evil, we could save the humans from being killed or put under his mind control or anything really, but there has to be a weakness.
"Yeah, this weekend we can work together and help overcome your father, we will unlock your powers that will destroy your father, with us three against him, we might have a chance, we could win," Alice said after awhile her concerned look changed to a determined smile. I stood up and she did as well.
"I'll call Aiden later today, for now you can stay in my room or I can give you a ride to Aiden's house," I offered, I still feel bad about her not having a home and proper family, so why not help her.
"I think I'll stay here tonight thanks for the offers," Alice said and I nodded, picked up my phone and called Aiden.
"Hi it's Roselyn we gotta talk," I said and I heard her respond.
"Hey Rose, can you talk fast I'm getting my hair done soon," she said.
"Oh sorry, here I'll talk as fast I can without leaving out any details," and from there I explained everything to her frowning in the process hoping I wasn't leaving anything out.
"Damn, that's serious stuff, I can meet you guys but I'll have to bring Dylan, and I contacted another enchanter, his name was Ryan so he will have to come so maybe Alice could help him with his powers, am I missing anything?" Aiden said and I heard a distance call from the background for her name.
"I heard, I'll see you tomorrow," I interrupted her before she could say she had to go, I heard her suck in a breath to speak.
"Alright yeah, see ya," and then there was 3 beeps to let me know she hung up on me. I turned and saw Alice sitting on the floor looking at nothing in particular, I could tell she was on the verge of screaming out of curiosity, why not mess around with this opportunity?
"She had to go before she could say anything of importance, guess we will have to wait until this weekend to know what she was going to say," I said shrugging and looking out my window. 3...2...1...
"That's not true! I know she said something important stop messing around Rosie!" Alice yelled frowning.
"Wait, did you just call me Rosie?" I said flicking my gaze toward her, now was the time to try this. I let my vampire side take over, my eyes changed to red, my hair grew out longer, and I felt something try to come out of my back but it didn't work and the presence resided, dammit.
"No I didn't call you Rosie," Alice denied with a small smile as she stared out the window and didn't notice me transform.
"You're lying, I've unlocked a power already," I said and there was an echo to my voice and she glanced toward me with an obvious question on her tongue but it stopped dead in her throat as she looked at me.
"Holy crap, Roselyn, you look scary as hell. How'd you do that?" She asked staring at me.
"I knew you would lie, in a playful manner of course, so I switched to vampire mode to see if that could trigger something inside of me fighting to the surface. So I just wanted to test it out," I answered picking up my usually long hair that grew crazy long, it was course and spiky almost.
"I would look in the mirror if I were you," Alice said in shock still. I stood up and walked to my bathroom that was next to my room. I turned on the light and I let a short scream of surprise come out my mouth. There was a creature with weird skin and long spiky course hair, bright red eyes. But the image bent and my hair shortened slightly and turned silky, my eyes resided from bright red to a more dull red, my skin turned back to normal but there was a terrible pain in my back, nothing came out, nothing different happened. When it ended, my hair shortened again to its normal length and its normal texture, my eyes turned to its normal red intensity. It was obvious what I was being told, that weird version of me before was what I would look like if I hadn't turned toward the light, and the second was my true form. All vampires have a choice to be good or bad and I choose to be a good vampire, my father will not win knowing how powerful me and my friends are, no evil force can win despite that vision, I know now that was only a fraction of what I am to become. Alice was standing at the entrance of the bathroom, in even more shock.
"How long were you standing there?" I asked.
"Long enough to know that you are freaking awesome."

What did you guys think about my last plot twist, pretty good right? Anyway thanks for reading!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now