Chapter 16: Alice

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Aiden blinked her eyes a couple times after they turned silver of seeing the vision, do I look that weird when seeing a vision? "What the hell was that?" Aiden asked me frowning as she did.
"I'm not too sure myself, but it seems really really important," I answered the bell rang Aiden, Roselyn and me all had biology, along with Ryan. Aiden walked out of the room into the long hallway that came from the band room and I followed, she has always been the leader. I willed myself not to pass out again, another vision was coming but not again especially when Aiden was ahead of me. I don't think this will work, dammit, the hallway started swimming silver and I don't think I can stop it. Then it stopped but a voice was in my head, I muttered a few words stopping time so I could listen.
"Come to me young sorceress, I will make you more powerful then anything else in the world, you already have the powers I can hone them for you and help you achieve better greatness," a dark voice echoed through my head, I recognized it immediately as the man in my past vision. Maybe I could use him to my advantage, I could "work" for him until I find where he is.
"Alright, you've caught my attention," I stated with a grin. He doesn't know how stupid he is, I would never betray my friends. I thought to myself.
"I know what you are thinking, oh well guess I'll just have to kill you along with your friends, what a waste of power," the voice said with a sigh before I felt him leave my head.
"Dammit! I was so close!" I yelled and sliver washed over my vision.
I held my head and I glanced up at what was around me. It was the school, but it was dark with shadows cast everywhere. There were weird misshaped humanoid figures, those must be supernatural creatures that are transformed. I stood and dropped my hands from my head and walked around the grounds, but then I stop moving as I stare at three girls, a werewolf, a vampire, and a sorceress. Their auras were very strong and powerful, the werewolf had a pure gold aura with flickers of red for power, a natural leader. The vampire had a silver aura and red scattered around it, just about as much as the wolf who was obviously an alpha, wait these girls have to be Aiden, Roselyn, and I, there is only one female alpha in the area and that's Aiden. But what really scared me was my aura, it was bright red and had the pure flacks of gold, but my aura was almost all red. Red means power and chaos I have to be very careful with my powers. I turned around when I heard something behind me and saw a beta, Ryan, and a vampire who were all looking at "us" but I didn't know who two of them were, maybe the beta was Aiden's beta and was probably the supernatural creature me and Roselyn had sensed before. But the vampire confused me, why was he here, and who the hell was he? Was this possibly the boy who had been turned by Rose? What does this make Roselyn and why him? Aiden was in that weird state she had been in before but her ears perked up and she snarled as she turned full wolf and ran into the school with me, Roselyn, Ryan, the beta, and the vampire. I followed them inside and saw the shadow figure standing in the commons. Roselyn immediately hissed and ran toward him, her fangs extended and she pulled her hand back in a punching position but the figure shifted out of the way right before impact, Rose stumbled and the figure appeared right behind her. She spun around and got a hit but it didn't do much, he only flinched.
"Oh my, is that all the strength you have young one?" He hissed, he closed his dark eyes and reopened them with red eyes. Who was he?
"This is only a fraction of the of the strength the eclipse has given me, unlike you who has absorbed all you can, I want to be true to myself and rely on my own power," Rose snapped.
"You are not worthy to-" the figure began but was cut off by Aiden standing behind him and biting him.
"Aiden!" The other me yelled.
"Your attacks are weak, you will never be able to stop me and my army," the figure said before laughing and disappearing a flash.
I sat up and time had resumed obviously because I wasn't in the hallway anymore, I was in a house. I stood up from the bed and glanced around, this wasn't Aiden house, and mine burned down.
"Alice! Are you ok?" I heard Roselyn's voice yell.
"Y-Yeah, where am I what happened?" I asked frowning.
"You're at my house, you were passed out in the hallway and your eyes were glazed with silver, it looked like mercury but I didn't think so, they kept you at the nurse's office until it was time to go home, and I took you to my house so Aiden didn't have to worry about it," she said frowning.
"Yeah I was in a vision, a really long one," I whispered.
"Can you tell me about it?" She asked.
"No I can show you," I answered before closing my eyes and raising my hand in front of her face. Before opening them quickly, her eyes glazed over with silver and I blacked out until the vision was over.
"Oh crap, this is bad, I think I know who that figure is," Roselyn said with a raspy voice, she looked like she had seen a ghost.
"Who is it? Or who do you think it is?" I asked as my hands started to smoke as I got excited.
"Calm down, and I'm thinking it's my father," she said shivering.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora