Chapter 10: Roselyn

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Mrs. Bird really scares me now. I show that I'm a genius and she's suddenly all proud of me for it and somehow found out my secret. I now sat in the library with a giant stack of books next to me, I added another one to the top of the stack making it 24 books. I smiled to myself and waited for the other two. Aiden was the first to come and of course she came in with a smile on her face and she waved at me.
"Hey Rose!" She partly yelled to me.
"Be quiet Aiden, we might get in trouble," I said. Aiden nodded then sat down next to me and looked at the stack of books next to me.
"Geez, read much?" She asked laughing.
"Yes actually a lot, but these aren't the books I normally read," I said glancing at the stack of books.
"What are they?" She asked leaning forward and picked up the top book, ancient myths of the dark ages.
"Myths that revolve around our type of special," I whispered before walking over to a book shelf and picked another book that was Irish legends.
"What's up with all the different cultures and countries?" Aiden asked looking at the book I picked up. I walked over and set the book on top of the now 25 books.
"I need as much information on each of us even if that means looking into different areas," I replied looking up at her. Just then the library door open and Alice walked in with a small smile.
"Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?" She asked then she saw the stack of books and exclaimed "How much do you read?"
"A lot but this isn't stuff I would normally read," I replied sighing. She looked at the books then at me and Aiden.
"Well each of us can read 8 books and the one person can read one extra, of course we don't really read the entire book, we just look through each one and see if we find anything interesting," Alice said after a few minutes.
"I'll read any that have Latin, Greek, and Irish roots because I can understand those easier," I said taking all 9 books that had those cultures.
"I'll take the ones with Spanish, French, and German roots," Aiden said grabbing all 8.
"I'll take the rest," Alice said. It had worked out perfectly. I flipped through all of the books with a frown on my face. Nothing was really popping up that told me something that we didn't already know.
(Time skip to about 2 hours later) I looked up when I heard the library door open and saw the boy I had turned into a vampire in the alley. I looked back at my book and pretended to be reading. The other two girls had left when the bell had rung about an hour ago to leave school and took the books with them after exchanging phone numbers with me, but I had stayed behind because I know there is a book missing, I had seen it earlier but I didn't pick it up. I felt him tap my shoulder and I looked up and saw deep brown eyes looking at me.
"You look familiar," he said obviously thinking hard.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I said while looking down at my book again.
"I'm Joseph, who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Roselyn, and I was wondering if you could help me find a book, I've looked everywhere for a book on myths and legends but I can't find it," I said standing up and shutting the book I held.
"I got the last one because the rest of them were taken, is this it?" He asked holding out the book I was looking for.
"Yes, thank you," I said taking the navy blue book and opening it. Right to the page I needed, the legend of the eclipse.
"You can use it, I hope to see you around, bye," he said and left the school.
"Bye," I called after him as he left. I looked down at the book I held with it open to the page with a picture of an eclipse with monsters fighting underneath it.
"All monsters will be forced into their true form under an eclipse, there is no hiding from this day, a normal eclipse may stay out for a few seconds but this one comes around every 3 thousand years and it last the whole day. No monster is safe, good luck," I read to myself. I shut the book and left the school and started walking home. I was hungry but that was the least of my worries because now I'm in trouble. The eclipse is coming on school carnival which an event that all students must attend. It's also my driver's test, this isn't good. As all my thoughts rushed through my head I didn't realize I was already home. I walked inside, shut the door and locked it and locked all my windows. I will learn to not live off humans and learn to live off animals. I read through the book as I ate a raw pork chop, it wasn't as good as humans but it was better than killing. October 17th was the day of the eclipse and the end of my hiding.

Sorry this is late! I've been really busy with school and I haven't had anytime for writing😔. So I hope you enjoy and I'll try to post sooner!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now