Chapter 12: Alice

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I didn't know where I was going, all I know is that I was getting out of that house. I hope Aiden is ok, who am I kidding of course she'll be ok, she's a werewolf for crying out loud. I just took the quickest route to Aiden's house, when I saw the house I parked in the driveway and waited for Aiden. I heard a distant howl then more howls, of course she must have killed my quote on quote mother, and she must be an Alpha of a pack and since she's stronger than the rest of her pack that means she can run faster too. Then I turn around and I was about to summon magic when I heard approaching footsteps, a giant black wolf with bright gold eyes walked carefully toward me, I summoned a fireball after muttering a few words. The wolf's eyes widened then it grew into a human, it was Aiden.
"Oh my gosh, Aiden you gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed before jumping out of the car and giving her the keys to the car.
"Wouldn't you be on the ground if you actually had a heart attack," she laughed with a smile. I smiled too until I realized something.
"Wait where am I gonna stay?" I asked.
"You can stay here till we find you somewhere else to stay, mom wouldn't mind I'm sure of it," she said before leading me inside the two story house. A kind lady who I figured was Aiden's mom, her real one and not a fake evil ugly one.
"Hello you must be one of Aiden's friends, I'm her mother Veronica," she said smiling holding out her hand for me to shake it.
"I'm Alice, nice to meet you," I said shaking her hand. "I kind of need a place to stay for awhile since mom died," I said looking down.
"It's ok, you can stay as long as you want here," she said glancing at Aiden as if to ask what happened for real to my mom. Aiden did what any good friend would do, she stepped forward and said "she's telling the truth." I mouthed "thank you" and her mom nodded.
"Well you can stay with Aiden like a sleepover then you can stay in the guest room," Aiden's mom said before going to her room. Aiden started to head upstairs as well and I followed upstairs as well. When we got to Aiden's room the first thing that caught my attention was the large desk that was covered in notebooks full of drawings, next to them were a stack of loose leaf papers, drawings. There were also newspaper articles everywhere mixed with the beautiful drawings.
"Hey can I look at these?" I asked pointing to the stack of drawings.
"Sure go ahead," Aiden said as she walked around picking stuff off the floor. I picked the drawing on top and looked at it. It had a wolf with dark fur and a light aura on a rock howling at a large yellow moon, it had dark shades of color to make the wolf and moon stand out. I held the drawing up and said,
"Is this supposed to be you?" I asked.
"You have a good eye, yeah it is," she answered as she sat on her bed and turned on her TV with a notepad and pencil ready.
"This is really good," I said and she smiled.
"It's only a sketch of what I hope can be a better picture," she said. And it was my turn to smile. I set the picture aside and picked up the next one, my smile faded. It was of a girl with black and red hair, fiery red eyes, blood dripped from her mouth and her pale hands, she had a sinister smile playing across her lips, big bat wings came out of her back, she wore and black flowing dress and she stood in a dark area.
"Who is she?" I asked holding up the drawing, Aiden paused the news and got up.
"I have no idea, I saw her in a dream recently, but what caught my eye was the eclipse in the background of the dream, look in the top right hand corner," she said before going to sit back down and she turned the news back on and started writing. I looked where she instructed and I gasped, then dropped the drawing before the vision came.
I opened my eyes and saw the girl in the drawing but another girl was standing next to her. She was obviously a werewolf but almost a sick twisted version of one. She had black glossy hair but her legs were bent backward like a wolf's hind legs but she stood upright, her skin was black fur and she had bright blue eyes, her ears were now on the top of her head like a wolf, her face had shaped into one of a wolf with a long snout, she smiled a toothy grin showing her top row of sharp teeth. She pointed at me with a sharp claw as if to say look at yourself. I looked down and my hair flowed down to my hip but it was every changing like my eyes and, almost like it was a prism collecting light, I wore clothes that were almost like my fake mother's creepy wardrobe, my skin glowed with a light of immortality. This was not me. Then the lighting changed, I looked up and saw dark clouds move to side to show the eclipse from the drawing.

Sorry for not updating much but tada! There will be a part two until then lovelies!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now