Chapter 29: Alice

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I felt the moon's weight, there was a story behind it but I didn't want to bring that up now. The power was here, and the end of Dracula was now. I rose from where I had been on the ground, the time was now and I wasn't going to slow them down. "Let's go, I bet the other three are waiting," I said holding my head up high. They nodded and they both stood, they looked really badass in my opinion. Roselyn walked toward the door and opened it letting Aiden out first then I walked out. Alexander's mouth dropped open, Roselyn walked over to him and shut his mouth with her hand with a really scary smile given the fact that fangs stuck out from her mouth. Dylan probably would've smiled at Aiden but he instead nuzzled her in that cute way wolves do to show they love each other. Now Ryan, oh Ryan. He stood there shocked by how quickly I changed into a true enchantress.
"Whoa you look amazing," Ryan muttered with a red face. I grinned at him and how cute he was when he was embarrassed. We all walked outside and everyone's faces were priceless!
"Well shit! You guys went all out," Annie said laughing and I laughed with her, Roselyn was watching everyone like a hawk like she was waiting for someone to turn into her father. Or waiting for someone to look at the eclipse. Kathy or whatever her name is, was talking to a guy dressed up as a ghoul. Then she suddenly laughed and started to glow with a dark aura as she looked at the eclipse, she lifted off the ground then the aura shattered as she floated back down to the ground. Aiden growled menacingly and raced over to her fangs bared.
"What's going on Aiden?" I asked her in my mind.
She's been changed into a monster! If only she would," Aiden trailed off as she stood in front of Kathy, frozen.
"Aiden?" Roselyn said and walked over there with her wings spread in case of an emergency. Ok the suspense was killing me and I ran over to them after waving to Annie. I stared at Kathy, she had one large eye instead of two eyes, she was much taller than I remember.
"I'm a cyclops?! What the hell! I wanted to be powerful!" She shouted in rage, she then stomped toward the cloaked figure who gave a creepy laugh that could only belong to one person.
"Careful what you wish for," Dracula chuckled and a plaster white hand ripped the cloak from his body. He smirked as his true form that I saw in my vision started to take over. The bones coming out of his back, his scar glowed with a red light, and his eyes turned completely red.
"Dammit! Get back, Kathy! Xander, Dylan, Ryan we have our target," I yelled, Kathy turned tail and ran screaming about a devil. Roselyn hissed to Alexander as he approached to get ready for the attack. I grabbed Ryan's hand as Dylan and Aiden stared him down with their green and gold eyes.
"Now!" Roselyn screeched. Ryan and I jumped back and prepared our attack while Roselyn and Alexander took to the skies, Aiden growled a challenge and leapt toward him like we practiced. But then something happened that we didn't expect. He took to the sky and tackled Alexander to the ground a half second before Aiden could get her teeth on the little son of a bitch. Roselyn screamed in protest and dove down, her claws positioned so that if he were to stop on the ground her claws would wrap around his neck.
"Nice try daughter!" He screeched and teleported away from them, he appeared behind me but Ryan foresaw that move, he muttered in Latin for a sword to be summoned. I held the spell while he jumped forward and struck the vampire, but the sword didn't even make a scratch on him. His skin had hardened right where he would've been stabbed, Xander was rising from where Dracula had left him and snapped his mouth open hissing, his venom shot from his fangs and hit Dracula square in the back. Alexander had been practicing on a dummy one day when he had gotten frustrated and hissed, but then snake like venom shot out of his fangs. Roselyn said that it wasn't normal and it must be a special trait only in his family. Dracula flinched and turned around to face Xander who just then shut his mouth.
"Clever isn't he?" Roselyn yelled and swooped down and landed square on his back, Aiden leaped forward howling. Night wolves appeared and followed their alpha and beta who had finally transformed into a full wolf, he was just smaller than Aiden. I held in the power as Ryan positioned himself so we could continue the spell as the main attack force protected us. Roselyn took the sky again holding onto Xander who needed time to regroup from his venom attack. Dracula turned and stared right at Aiden who froze in a battle of power. The school was frantic, they were running around and screaming. Teachers tried to calm them down in a failed attempt. Aiden wavered under his strength of will power.
"Aiden! Don't give in, remember what you're fighting for! The good for everyone, for your friends, remember all the good times we had! We need you!" I yelled in her mind and her eyes glowed even brighter gold, Dracula dropped to a knee only to laugh.
"Silly girl, you will never win!" He shouted in a crazed laugh.
"The only thing you've done is give us time, now Alice!" Roselyn screamed but I already knew what was going to happen. I screamed in Latin as Ryan let go of the spell, now was the time! As long as Aiden held him in that battle, Roselyn in the sky I would have a clear, perfect shot. I pushed the spell forward and Dylan took it in his mouth, he howled with the Lightning ball in his mouth. Lightning struck the ground around Dracula, Roselyn cast her own bit of darkness into the spell, Ryan sent a spark of silver light that I recognize as part of his own aura, one of Aiden's night wolves jumped into the ball, Xander spat venom into it before Roselyn dropped to the ground and we followed the charge of the power. The spell hit Dracula who only laughed quietly.
"This isn't over," he whispered as part of his essences floated into the night while the rest of him was put into the spell.


Now that's how you end a book! Anyways, I have finally completed this book and that means that it's time for the sequel then I'll go back to the prequel! Thanks so much for reading I love you all!


The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now