Chapter 24: Aiden

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I was training with Dylan and it was going good until there was a scream. I jumped and turned to see Roselyn in a cloud of red, her wings were the huge for a second, as big as some of the trees around us. Her nails grew out and her eyes were just red orbs of color, her outfit even changed, it was a long ragged black dress and she had no shoes on now. Her hair was crazy long and her features were narrowed so her bones stuck out more and her fangs reached her chin. The haze of red solidified then a moment later it broke apart, her wings shrunk to where they dragged a lot. The force of the red haze pushed me back to where I fell down, even Alice's mom was pushed back and she slid back into a tree, Dylan collapsed where he stood, Ryan tried to make a shield but was blown back and the earth came up Alice fainted but I caught her as she came tumbling across the clearing. Roselyn stood with a look of rage in her eyes, they turned back into real eyes.
"What the hell was that?" I yelled as Roselyn glanced around.
"Sorry, I was trying to turn into my full form and I was using a method I was told. It worked a little too well," she hissed out. Ryan and Dylan stood up and Alice started to stir from where she lay across my lap. The sorceress stood wiping blood that trickled out of the corner of her lips.
"Well that was something," Ryan said out of breath. Alice held her head and sat up with a smile on her lips despite fainting.
"Good job Rosie, let's see that in battle," she said grinning. Roselyn smiled and laughed as well when someone ran through the trees and burst into the clearing. A boy that looked the same age as us was staring in amazement at all of us. When his eyes fell on Roselyn he gasped stepping back, then Dylan help by turning half wolf and starting toward him, he took more steps back.
"Wait!" Alice yelled and they both stopped moving to look at her, "he's human but now that he has seen us he has to become one of us. Aiden?"
"Don't look at me I can't make him join us if he doesn't already have wolf roots, I don't sense any," I said startled by her sudden turn on me.
"Uh, mom?" Alice asked frowning.
"No he already has to be one of us," as the last word left her mouth we all turned and stared at the only one left, Roselyn.
"Well we know Roselyn can turn anyone into a vampire, and since she's a good vampire who only eats meat she won't kill him," I put in but Roselyn was already shaking her head.
"No I can't, you saw what happened last time," she said with a sorrowful look on her pale face.
"That was only because you weren't there to help him. You have a second chance and he could be really helpful," I said smiling a little to help ease the tension the subject had summoned.
"A-Alright, but he looks scared of me," she stuttered nervously.
"It's ok just go for it," I replied trying to encourage her. She took a step forward and disappeared for a few seconds, when she reappeared she was biting the boy's neck, he screamed before going limp and falling to the ground.
"Welcome to the alliance," I whispered.


We've been training tirelessly for the past few weeks, Alice's mom wrote us all notes so we could skip classes to train. The new vampire's name was Alexander, he said his last name was unimportant and that his family had died. We've grown stronger every day and it's been hectic, Ryan passed out in the middle of a spell, Alice stumbled over Latin words, Roselyn screams when turning and history tends to repeat itself every time, Dylan is hot headed and won't listen sometimes, I have trouble not ripping Dylan's head off, and Alexander just started and was having issues with eating us. On the brighter side: Roselyn can turn into full form easily and has wicked new abilities, Dylan is a fantastic beta and is taking after me very well, Ryan has been working extra hard to catch up to Alice...and I'm pretty sure he's gonna ask her out soon...I freaking ship it so much! Anyway back to listing, Alice has been learning lots of new spells, I control alpha powers a lot easier, and Alexander has been working harder than any of us.
"Dodge dammit!" I heard Dylan shout at me. We were playing a training game, it was almost like dodge ball except more violent and more fun. Alice and Ryan are a team, Dylan and I are a team, Roselyn and Alexander are a team despite Alexander being a slight disadvantage by being new. He was doing very well even if he was new. I was being yelled at because I was thinking and a giant fireball was going to burn me. I turned full out wolf and jumped away before landing next to Dylan who was only able to turn half wolf.
"You don't have to shout at me!" I fired back and Roselyn came swooping in fangs ready to bite me. Dylan leaped and shoved me out of the way as Roselyn scratched his tail.
"Dammit Aiden be careful!" He yelled.
"I am careful!" I snarled then I bounded towards Alice and Ryan who were combining powers to make a huge spell. I jumped the last stretch of land and tackled Alice and Ryan who collapsed under the weight of a giant wolf.
"Ryan, Alice you're out with Alexander," called Alice's mom. I backed up and they walked to the side of the clearing then sat next to Alexander who was staring at his longer fingernails.
"Aiden! We need to work-" I didn't let him finish as I roared.
"You are not alpha so get off my back about things, I make decisions not you, beta."
"It was an idea, let me talk Aiden ok?" He said and I looked around, finding Roselyn perched on a tree ready to hunt us.
"What's the plan?" I asked turning to him to see him baring his teeth in a smile to me.
"I thought you would never ask," he said then explained our plan. I jumped up the tree and snapped at Roselyn from behind. She hissed and jumped off flapping her wings quickly then she swooped to me only to have Dylan jump from a different tree top and took her down. She hissed a curse but then teleported to the edge of the clearing with a smile on her lips. I leaped down and landed next to Dylan and we morphed back to human.
"That was an amazing turnaround guys!" Roselyn yelled turning back to normal with her ever so vibrant black and purple hair.
"I never saw that coming honestly," Alexander said standing up from his position against a tree. He had feathery black hair and bright green eyes that looked almost blue. I ship him and Roselyn so much, I feel like I ship everyone. I grinned and patted Dylan on the back who as grinning as well.
"If you thought that was cool don't give me credit, this guy here came up with idea," I said and his face got a light pink color.
"It was nothing really, I knew it would work because of Roselyn's fighting style," he said shyly.
"Well what could we have all done better?" The sorceress asked.
"Me and Dylan should've stopped bickering a long time ago," I said looking down.
"I should've included Xander more, we would've actually had a chance if I had listened to him before," Roselyn admitted quietly.
"We shouldn't have assumed that no one would go after us," Ryan said.
"Those are all separate issues, now all of those would be fixed when you all were together instead of apart. Roselyn wouldn't have to go in alone to fight because Alexander here could've supported her while Aiden led the main attack like normal, so Roselyn would be the surprise attack. Ryan and Alice would have protection while charging up a major magic spell from Dylan who would be able to analyze all the battle styles and relay it back to Aiden to use to her and Roselyn's advantage," the sorceress said, no one was left out and it showed that we could definitely fix our problems and endless weeks of training were finally paying off.
"Except for one problem," Roselyn put in and we all looked at her the same question all on our minds. "You don't already know?" She asked and we all shook our heads.
"Guys it's October 20th, we have 11 days until Dracula attacks and that there is a giant super moon 10 days from now."
Holy crap that was a chapter, if you got confused about who Xander was well it's Alexander's nickname if you didn't catch that. I get a picture up of Alexander on the chapter hopefully. Till then lovelies!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora