Chapter 21: Alice

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I sat there as Aiden stared at me with a look that screamed "what the hell is that and why do you look like you saw a ghost?" Weird interpretation I know. I got up and grabbed my stuff and stubbled to the other bathroom in the house as Ryan tripped up the stairs and fell on his face. I held in my laughter as well as I could but it failed terribly.
"What was that? Just kill me now if your gonna make me laugh this hard!" I managed to get out between laughs. He sat up with a playful look on his face of hurt,
"Well sorry, I was in a hurry to see you because it's your birthday, so, happy 16th birthday. I know this isn't how you planned to spend your Sweet 16, in a vampire's house and we are about to go train to fight her evil dad. What a day right?" He said standing, his face was all red and it was way too cute. I calmed myself down enough to just giggle every once in awhile.
"Well thanks for going through all the trouble just wish me a happy birthday, it's pretty obvious that you went through so much because your hair looks like you stuck your head in a cyclone! Just kidding it's not bad," I joked and he subconsciously smoothed his hair down his face turning even darker red.
"T-Thanks I guess," he stuttered out and scratched the back of his head messing up his hair again and he smoothed it down for the second time.
"Well I'm gonna get changed and you should too, I'm pretty sure that the enchantress doesn't want to see you in dog sleeping pants and a band t-shirt, where did you even get that stuff?" I asked frowning thoughtfully.
"Um, I'm enchanter remember, I summoned them from my room," he said looking down before running downstairs but he dropped something on the way down.
"Hey you dropped this!" I yelled waving the envelope in the air.
"Keep it, it's yours," I heard his voice float up from the downstairs. I shrugged and walked into the bathroom and changed out of my old clothes and changed into fresh white and pink V-neck with black gloves to protect my hands from any magic that would be redirected to me, dragon eye necklace, dark blue jeans, and Nike tennis shoes. I tied my hair back in a ponytail, something I never did but was necessary in its own way, I was training after all. I brushed all the tangled parts of my hair, cleaned my face before heading out of the bathroom. When I went back into Roselyn's room the other two were ready for anything the way they dressed. Roselyn was wearing a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black iron-tipped combat boots, her dark hair was wavy and hung loosely around her shoulders, her eyes had the slightest trace of mascara on it. Aiden looked badass in a nutshell honestly. She wore a black crop-top with light blue shorts and converse, her long dark brown hair was longer now it seemed like because it was wavy but now that she had the supernatural light in her, it was way longer, almost to hip and her eyes were almost completely brown and oddly enough, she had a locket hanging around her neck.
"We look good," Aiden said grinning and striking a sassy pose with her hand on her hip. Roselyn face palmed with a slight grin on her face and I nodded in agreement.
"I think we look freaking amazing," I said laughing. We all broke out in laughter before heading downstairs to eat. The boys turned their heads to look at us, Dylan looked like he was about to kiss someone, and Ryan's mouth was hanging open, he looked like he was trying to catch a fly in his mouth. He was successful because he started choking on a bug. He didn't die of course but he did freak out quite a bit. As we sat down and ate our different foods, Roselyn sucking blood out of an animal before passing it to Aiden to eat the meat off it, Dylan also got his own fair share of the meat while me and Ryan enjoyed normal food. Roselyn led the way from her house to the east side of the park where she said the sorceress/enchantress was. We walked there of course because it was literally right across the street from her house, but there was something off about this whole thing. My necklace made a dull humming noise that made me shiver. We came in a clearing of trees and I summoned fire to my hands immediately at what I saw. A dark figure had my mom kneeling in front of him with a knife in his right hand, he held her hands behind her back with his left.
"Turn yourselves over to me, I will spare her, refuse and you will all die," a voice sounded from the shadows. I heard Roselyn gasp and I knew who it was, the little bastard.
"Show your face coward!" Aiden yelled with authority behind her usually calm voice. Dylan growled and I felt the wind rush around me in quick waves of air. My hair went flying, I didn't recall it completely so Roselyn had to tell me what happened. My hair lengthened and my eyes glowed as I was lifted from the ground, the earth surrounding my feet cracked and a stone sword was summoned into my hand, the elements infused in it. A white dress replaced my old clothes, the hair tie broke as my hair cascaded. An immortal light reflected off of me as floated in the air.
"Release her or you will feel our wrath," I said in an echoed voice, like a hundred other me's were speaking at different times. Roselyn turned full form as she stared down what she had created, the shadow cloak fell apart as she stared at him, Joseph stood there in shock that his disguise had been turn apart. Aiden growled loudly and she turned into a giant brown wolf with white wrapping around her in large streaks, her eyes brightened from a warm gold to a bright gold. The boys stepped back knowing this was our fight and that the best way they could help was to stay out of the way.
"Aiden you can go lead the charge, I'll lend you supports, Roselyn will come in when you need her, I'll join as well soon," i said to them in their minds. They nodded their understanding, Aiden wanted revenge and this was the best way to get just that. Joseph looked terrified at what was in front of him, but then he changed. He looked like a mini stereotypical Dracula, and his once sweet innocent face turned to one of darkness and evil. I used my powers and teleported my mother to my side.
"I'm so sorry my daughter," she muttered but I smiled kindly to her before turning back to the lone vampire. Aiden bounded forward eating up the ground in between them with each bound. Joseph had no time at all to react and he was already pinned, death was staring him in the face. When she went to kill him he disappeared and reappear close to us, Aiden started to chase him but he was fast, he ran toward us. Roselyn looked back at me telling me to wait. She turned back and her eyes brightened and Joseph froze, I could tell it was Roselyn bending him to her will.
"Hurry Aiden! It won't last long!" She yelled Aiden ran and leaped into the air and landed square on his shoulders. I floated over to Aiden while Roselyn stayed back with the others.
"Tell us, why did you join his army?" I asked in a voice that wasn't mine. His face didn't change like I hoped, a shaky crazy laugh started from him until it was an insane maniac laugh.
"Never! I will never join you or tell you!" He yelled as he disappeared into smoke and reappeared behind my mom. Roselyn screeched like a bat and flew forward toward him picking him up and took him into the air before I heard her voice in my mind.
"Come," it was a simple word but I knew where she was. I summoned more air, it was our turn to fight.

Ok so my italics weren't working so that's why I underlined what they were saying in their minds. Anyway hope you enjoyed my unusually long chapter but there will be way more chapters like this in the future. I will post pictures for Alice's dress after school and yeah.
QOTD: (thought I would try this. It means question of the day) what's your zodiac sign?
AOTD: ♓️ Pisces
Thanks for reading!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now