Chapter 28: Aiden

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We stood staring at each other as the night crept upon us the super moon was coming and we all glanced up at the moon as it made its way to top position. I held Dylan's hand in mine as the moon hung in the sky a giant circle in black night. "Aiden?" Dylan asked as we started to turn into our true form.
"Yes?" I said and looked at him.
"I-I really like you," he said looking down.
"I like you too," I said and gave him a hug, we then turned into our wolf forms and I turned away looking at the bright moon. Nothing has scared me this much I knew tomorrow the moon would disappear from the sky.
"Are we ready?" Alice asked and we all nodded to her.
"Then let's do this thing," Ryan said and we all linked hands as they started to summon us out of the circle, our family members waved good bye to us and we teleported away, Xander has finally mastered his abilities as a vampire. As we stepped out of the strange portal there was a bunch of supernatural creatures staring at us. I readied myself and and we all charged the hordes of creatures, I howled and moon wolf spirits descended down and landed behind me as we charged forward knowing the plan.
"Ready?" I asked to them all through our minds.
"Yes let's do this!" They chorused and I heard the unmistakable swoosh of wings and the hiss of magic and Latin. I growled as I tackled a harpy who squealed in protest as I ripped her feathered wings with my teeth and scratched her stomach until I had to leap up and attack a hydra who tried to kill me. But Roselyn flew down in a deadly arch and bit his neck holding him in place as I ripped him apart. This wasn't even close to what we have to take care of tomorrow. The night dragged on, I took down a vampire only to get scratched by its sharp nails. I growled in pain but I snap his neck with my massive jaws. I stepped away from the dead body as we finished up everything. Then there it was. As the sun made its way into the sky, the moon didn't waver.
"Run! We have to get out of here, they must have reinforcements that aren't tired and will use the power of the eclipse!" Alice yelled to us and we ran. We ran to the school turning into our normal forms, I can't believe we were doing this. We were doing a fright fest for Halloween and no one is excused if they do not come, I hated the idea and then I saw Kathy, oh shit she better not try anything. She was dressed up in a not very great costume, it scared me honestly at how much it showed and she wasn't even ashamed.
"Hey girls, where's your costume?" She asked us and I heard Roselyn mutter a very unladylike word.
"You'll see them soon enough dumbass, leave us alone," I snapped and we walked past her without a second glance. Dylan ran up to me and put his hand in mine again as we walked toward the building itself.
"She's just jealous that she doesn't-" he let out a surprised gasp as he saw the scratch mark on my arm for the first time. "What happened?"
"While I was fighting a vampire scratched me, no big deal," I replied not losing focus at the task ahead.
"Alright let's all go into empty classrooms and enter our true forms. Perfect costume right?" Roselyn said and we all nodded with grins on our faces despite the grim situation. We spilt up, someone would've probably seen us so the boys went into a separate classroom and us girls went into a different one. After we transformed I collapsed as if a weight was suddenly dropped on my back. I whimpered in pain but it receded as my fur grew out more and my gold eyes let dashes of gold come out and wrap around me more.
"The eclipse is happening!" I shouted in my friends' minds.
"We kinda figured that out!" Roselyn yelled in my mind in a pained tone. I looked behind me and saw Roselyn's eyes turned red but her eyes were like her father's now, the entire thing was just red. Her dress was longer and it looked more beat up, her claws were much longer, and her wings were full giant bag wings, nothing like the midback little wings that have been recurring after her scream when she transformed. They now dragged behind her as she walked, barefoot, toward me.
"This is crazy, the eclipse is here and I feel so powerful-" she was going to say something else when Alice screamed in agony and held her head in pain as she transformed into full form. Her hair was long and shiny, it radiated light. She had wings made of light coming out of her back but they disappeared as if later they would appear when she was in danger. Objects started floating around her as if she was the new force of gravity.
"Alice!" Roselyn shouted and ran over to her and hugged her as she calmed down, I walked slowly over to them and wrapped myself around them as they laid back on me. This was how it really was, I was the backbone and they were my pack.
After this chapter there will only be two more chapters, the final chapter and the epilogue. I've had a lot of fun with this book, love you all!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ