Chapter 11: Aiden

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I sat at home in my room reading all the books and not one thing popped up. Rose said something about a legend, an eclipse or whatever. I sighed, shut my book and walked downstairs in search of something to eat. I opened the fridge and found some cold pudding, yes I eat cold pudding and it's amazing so deal with it. I took out a spoon and switched the tv on, of course the last thing my mom watched had to be the news.
"More supernatural appearances have come up, there are unexplainable deaths and missing people," the news woman said looking fearful. I shuddered and looked at my long fingernails, when I get nervous my nails grow out and are really dangerous. I took a deep breath and opened my pudding and started eating as my nails went back to their normal state.
"There is said to be mysterious monsters coming up, some of these monsters are vampires, werewolves, cyclops, witches, and many more mythical creatures that now seem real." The news woman continued.
"Yeah we are real, and real dangerous if you pick on the wrong ones," I muttered. I frowned as the news lady had pictures of possible sitings of monsters, one of them looked like Roselyn in an alleyway but that can't be her. One that drove home was one of Alice, it was obviously her; the crazy hair hair color confirmed it. I realized something and rewound the news back to the picture of quote on quote Alice. It wasn't her, it was her mom. Alice's mom was stealing something in a store. This can't be good at all, she dyed her hair to look like Alice; she's up to something. I took a picture then I got up and put on black skater shoes and my jacket, "Mom I have to go, Alice is having some family issues so I have to go talk to her!" I yell.
"Ok, just be back by 10," she yells back. With that, I ran out the door and to Mom's car I didn't bother to turn on music, I backed out of the driveway and floored the gas. I turned the GPS on on my phone and listened to Siri as I drove down Oakwood Lane. After a good 5 minutes I arrived at a big grey house with a unfenced in yard and a huge forest open up to Alice to use. I turned off Siri who wouldn't shut up about the fact that I arrived at my destination. I walked up to the black door and knocked on it, at first there was no answer but then the door opened and Alice poked her head outside the door. Then she threw the door open and smiled when she saw me, "Come in Aiden! I can get you something to drink if you like."
"No thanks Alice, listen there's something I need to talk to you about, alone," I said coming inside her big house.
"Oh, what is about? We can go to my room if you'd like," Alice said frowning.
"Yeah I think that would be best, your mom isn't there is she?" I asked.
"No she's sleeping, so please be quiet," Alice said leading me up stairs. I walked into her room full of drawings and books, not to mention the stacks of movies next to her TV.
"Alice, it's about your mom, I saw her on the news," I said showing her the picture on my phone. Alice gasped and looked closer at the picture.
"She wants me gone from here, she wants me arrested. But that isn't my chief concern right now, I have to worry about my magic; it's getting out of control," Alice said holding out her hands, they swirled with magic then red mist creeped down from her hand and as soon as it touched the floor the spot where it touched was set on fire. I jumped back my nails extended, the fire formed into a woman who looked exactly like Alice's mom.
"So you decided to play with magic, well so did I, goodbye Alice and Aiden, hope you didn't have any true family to care about," Alice's mom said bitterly then vanished and the fire spread out more. I grabbed Alice's arm and jumped out the window because I knew the door would probably be locked, I could smell Alice's mom on the other side of the door. As we crashed through the glass Alice summoned some magic and made a tree tilt toward us, it caught us and we began our climb down the big birch tree. As soon as I touched the ground I turned around to Alice and took my mom's keys out my pocket "listen I have a plan, you take my mom's car back home but don't go inside. I will stay here and deal with your mom, got it?" I said. She nodded then took the keys and got in the car. I let my wolf form take over, I growled then rushed back into the house that Alice had unlocked as soon as she realized what I was going to do. I ran up the stairs then slowly made my way to the door across from Alice's burning room. I sniffed at the door and smelled the stench of a foul witch at work. I turned half human and opened the door then I turned back to full wolf; I darted inside growling at the witch with gray hair and stolen goods laying across the floor. I crutched close the ground in a hunter's position then pounced on the evil witch who had just now turned around and acknowledged me. I held my teeth over her neck ready to kill her, but then I hesitated just for a moment to realize her blood, which was coming from the scratch I had given her when I pounced on the little bitch, was not the same as Alice's; it was simple magic to disguise her scent, this isn't Alice's real mom. Then I finished her with a swift bite to the neck. I stepped away from her then lifted my head and howled for my pack to know that there was food. Then I ran outside and into the night.
(Can we please pretend that her eyes are gold to show that she is an alpha? Thanks)

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat