Chapter 20: Alice(special)

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Okay so this chapter is a special chapter if you couldn't tell by the title, it is for my friend who's birthday is today so happy birthday again for the 5th time today @TenInchImpala so without further ado, Chapter 20.

What the heck!? Aiden and Roselyn both unlock their special powers and I don't? And now that dumbass Joseph joined Dracula's Army when he was transformed by Roselyn so really he should be working for the super cool, awesome, badass squad, aka Roselyn, me, Aiden, Dylan, Ryan and the rest who decide to be awesome. All this just happened to be going on the day before my birthday, does the world hate me yet?!

"I'm getting the impression that we should go after this Joseph character," Ryan said still obviously confused.

"Well yeah we have to, he's part of Dracula's Army and he was turned into a vampire by Roselyn, so I guess we should've been keeping an eye on him. Is that how all vampires are Rose? They turn dark if they aren't watched over?" Aiden asked the vampire who was still in her full form, obviously still pissed about this whole thing.

"I didn't know or he wouldn't be in Dracula's Army, but looking at it now yes it would appear that way," Roselyn hissed, she didn't mean to I think, maybe her teeth got in the way?

"Look we have no idea where he is so let's not worry about it right now when we could be training," I said as calmly as I could.

"That's just the problem, he is out there somewhere and we don't know where, how do we know he isn't spying on us right now?" Dylan inquired tilting his head in a dog-like habit.

"Good point but there is also the alternative that Alice mentioned, we could train in secret. That wouldn't hurt anything," Aiden said strongly.

"Is anyone thinking right now other than me!?" Dylan yelled out his eyes becoming slits. Roselyn snapped her head toward Aiden with a clear message "Get your beta under control!"

"Dylan!" Aiden yelled and her eyes glowed slightly. Dylan's head bowed in an instant as she used sheer willpower to make him obey.

"Whoa," I muttered at the display of power, then her aura intensely burned to life as she spoke.

"Dylan, listen to me, do not speak out again like that, we know what we are doing," Aiden growled each word that even I thought I had done something wrong, I glanced around and saw the others thinking the same thing as they stared at Aiden nodding, when I noticed the gesture I became aware that I was doing the same thing.

"I understand, I will obey your command," Dylan whispered and Aiden's aura dimmed to it's normal glow and her eyes went back to it's normal shade of brown blue, well almost normal.

"Now before we tear each other apart let's actually agree to something," Roselyn said calmly "Everyone who wants to hunt the betrayer down and rip his guts out raise your hand." Dylan's hand went up and Roselyn took it into account with a nod. "Everyone who wants to train and prepare for the eclipse raise your hand," everyone else's hands went up, training won.

"Alright we all head to the park and start training got it?" Aiden asked and we nodded.

"Rest easy my friends we have a long day tomorrow," Roselyn said as her hair resided and her eyes turned purple again. "We will start training tomorrow at 7. Me, Alice, and Aiden will go to my room to sleep you two will can stay down here." Then she led us upstairs to her room.

The next morning at 7...

I woke to the sound of an alarm going off. First Aiden's went off, then Roselyn's then mine...guess we all had the same idea. I groaned as I sat up and Aiden covered her ears with a pillow, I turned and saw Roselyn staring out the window at the line of trees at the park with a content expression.

"Did you have to set an alarm, Rosie?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes with a yawn. Roselyn turned and smiled warmly at me, the first time in days.

"Well yeah, I didn't know how long it would take for you to wake up so I set one just in case," she said cheerfully as Aiden grumbled nothing in particular and turned all the alarms off as they kept ringing from our phones and dropped her head down on the pillow again. Roselyn picked up a box that had been resting next to her, "By the way, happy birthday." That woke me up real quick.

"Wait you know it's my birthday?! I didn't even tell you!" I gasped jumping up, I stepped on Aiden's hand.

"Ouch!" Aiden yelled, I jumped back and tripped on a blanket and fell backwards hitting my back against a bookshelf causing a rain of books to fall from it, great way to start my birthday.

Roselyn frowned with concern and walked over to me and picked up the books that had fallen all over me, inspected them for damage before placing them neatly back on the shelf before turning to me when she was happy with how the books looked, "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Just fine thank you. You didn't answer my question, how did you know it was my birthday?" I asked and her expression turned from one of concern to one of confusion.

"That was not your question, you asked "wait you know it's my birthday?!" you did not asked "how did you know it was my birthday?" so I am very confused by your question since you never asked that." Roselyn said keeping her frown of confusion and Aiden was two seconds away from bursting out laughing now that she was awake.

"Just answer how did you know it was my birthday," I said angered by how she had twisted my own words around, she made me look stupid.

"Well while you were sleeping I heard your phone go off so I checked it, it was a text from Ryan at midnight saying happy birthday, I don't know how he knew that it was your birthday but I'm guessing he has friends who knew your birthday, even if he did know that way it's still pretty creepy," she said.

"Thanks for checking my phone, I'm glad I can count on you to check my phone while I'm sleeping."

"You're welcome."

"I didn't mean it literally," after the last word left my mouth Aiden couldn't contain her laughter and she burst out laughing.

"I am going to get ready, just open your present then I suggest you get ready too," Roselyn said taking clothes and left to her bathroom. Aiden was wiping her tears of laughter but still was having trouble keeping more laughter from coming out. I opened the little box that had been handed to me. There was a necklace it had a weird teal dragon eye on a simple leather cord. I looked down at the box again and saw a folded piece of paper and I opened it, I met a kind enchantress and when I went looking for a present for you, she offered this necklace and told me there was a spell on it that would help your powers be more controlled. What's odd is she offered it as soon as I mentioned your name and that you were turning 16 today, we are meeting her today at the park so she can help us find better training grounds. Could this enchantress be my mom?


Well that was a heck of a chapter that took me 3 hours, because wattpad logged me out in the middle of it, so here is chapter 20 hope you enjoyed!


P.S. I'm on my mom's laptop so I can update, and I will upload the picture of the dragon necklace when I get my phone back.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now