Chapter 25: Roselyn

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They stared at me like I grew a second head, and I've gotten that look before not that long ago.
"Could you repeat that?" Alice asked surprise evident on her face. And I sighed quietly.
"We have 11 days to be ready and we have 10 to prepare for the super moon," I said frowning.
"Dammit! We better master our powers and quick if we want to win!" Aiden growled and I nodded a determined look replacing my frown.
"I'll work extra hard to meet your expectations!" Alexander yelled before running to a spot and practicing against a dummy that we had set up for him a long time ago.
"Come on Alice let's go work on magic and combining our power," Ryan said and Alice nodded before they ran off to a corner of the clearing.
"Dylan let's go hunting and we'll make plans for Halloween to defeat Dracula!" Aiden yelled to Dylan who grinned.
"Let's do this!" He cried out with a voice crack. Aiden and I burst out laughing before they ran off into the forest howling on the way as they transformed. I smiled to myself before running over to Xander to assist him in his training. I felt the sorceress's eyes on my back and I knew that we wouldn't fail, and that she knew it too.
"Swing your foot around! No not like that you monkey like this! Dammit stop complaining and listen! Now hold your ground and swing your right foot around in a side kick them duck for any return attacks. Good! Now kick your left foot out and trip them. Finally!" I screamed out as Xander panted after endless drills, his eyes blazed red and his teeth stuck out over his bottom lip, his hair was messy and he looked like he might collapse.
"Can I-can I take a break yet?" He asked dropping to one knee in a sign of respect.
"Run it one more time, without me calling out instructions," I ordered before walking over and sitting against a tree as he rose to his feet and stared at the dummy. "Now Alice," I said and she nodded.
"evigilare faciatis meo imperio!" She yelled lifting a hand toward the dummy which sat up from its slumped position.
"I awaken to your command my lady," the dummy said. Awaken to my command was a simple spell as Alice put it where she can animate any none living thing into a soldier who would obey her every command, except she doesn't need to directly say it, more of a command in her mind. Xander moved with ease as he dodged all of the dummy's attacks and ran in quickly. He repeated all the moves I taught him: run in and hit the waist, wrists, and neck then run out and circle your opponent to get a feel for their attacks, charge in again and weaken them with a flurry of close combat attacks, get out of harms way to recover then run in again this time surprise them with a kick to the side. But he changed his position, instead of ducking and sweeping out the dummy's legs like I had instructed, he jumped over the dummy then bit it's neck and threw it behind him into a tree before running forward and making his hand like a cage, slammed it down on the dummy's chest right over its heart. If the dummy had been a real person it would've lost its heart to the wicked nails of a vampire.
"That was amazing!" I shouted running up to him and hugging him, realizing what I was doing I immediately backed away with my cheeks burning slightly. "I-I mean, very good, I'm glad you found your own fighting style that suits you and is very effective," I said in a more solider like voice.
"T-Thank you," he stuttered and his eyes went back to their intense green-blue and his teeth retreated back to their normal length.
"Release!" Alice shouted and the dummy went limp, "that was amazing fighting honestly, but I believe you can get stronger if you keep practicing," Alice said walking over to us with a smile.
"Yeah!" He said grinning.
"You can take a break now, but remember, I'm always available to train with if you need it," I stated with a slight grin.
"Got it! Thank you master," he said and kneeled before me in respect once again, then rose and walked to a nearby tree to rest his eyes. Even if he can't sleep he can still go into a state that is like sleep.
"Well that was a good training session," I said to Alice who smiled and nodded.
"I totally agree with you, where are Aiden and-?" She got cut off when we heard laughter as Aiden and Dylan ran into the clearing.
"Oh lord you should've seen what just happened!" Aiden laughed.
"What happened?" I asked and she laughed even harder, which I didn't think was possible.
"Don't be so serious Roselyn! We got chased by a bear for awhile then Dylan tripped over a tree root and fell behind, I was worried at first but he picked himself back up and jumped on the bear's back and rode it like a bull! I ended up killing the fun but it was hilarious!" Aiden continued laughing and finally calmed down to notice Xander resting.
"Hey what's up with newbie? Is he ok?" Dylan asked.
"First off don't call him newbie, second, he's just in a vampire state where we recharge our strength much like how you sleep to regain the power you lost," I replied with a spike of venom.
"Calm down Rosie, do you have a crush on him?" Alice asked nudging my shoulder with her elbow with a smile.
"No!" I shouted and turned away from them only to get a ton of laughter from the crazy bunch.
"You do! I called it before it happened didn't I Alice?" Aiden said laughing and smiling.
"You did!" She replied grinning.
"Why do you guys have to tease me, don't you have anything better to do?" I asked a bit pissed.
"Nope!" They chorused, even Dylan did.
"You could be training," I said lying stress on the word could.
"But we have been training," Alice said. It has been a couple days since I told them all about our deadline being so close, Ryan isn't here right now because his dad wanted father-son time because it was Ryan's birthday.
"Well it's so close now, we can't weaver from our schedule," I said, "we have only a week until the eclipse and 6 days before the super moon. We don't have time to relax," I added frustrated at their ease to this time.
"Roselyn, we are stressed, but we need a break ok? Not everyone has your stamina, but I think you need a break too, just for the rest of the day," Aiden said quietly trying to calm me down.
"Ok, it is 9 at night anyways so I guess a break until 7 tomorrow is a good idea," I said looking down.
"Yeah, I'm gonna head to our camp ok? See you then," Aiden and Dylan followed her. We had set up a camp near the clearing so we can stay close to it instead of running back to our homes which takes an hour. I watched them walk into the forest and I saw a glimpse of Dylan moving his arm to rest it on Aiden's shoulder. Maybe I'm not the only one who has a crush on someone, someone who's lesser than me at that.
I did this chapter pretty early rather then when I wanted to put it up but I did it for my friend TenInchImpala who has been having some issues lately and I was hoping this chapter would cheer her up. Anyways she has the first chapter to our shared story The Eternal War so if you like my writing please go check out her story. Till then lovelies!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum