Chapter 13: Roselyn

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I sat in class when I smelled something burning. I sat up from thinking of Joseph and of my newly obtained information. I looked around the classroom to identify where the smell was coming from. My eyes land on Alice, her hands were smoking, a slight fire in them. Shit. Mrs. Bird looked up and wrinkled her nose.
"Who is smoking?" She shouted standing up. There is a kid in class who smokes but she never does it class, she kind of knows Alice but didn't know about that other thing.
"Hey can I have a cigarette, I'm not gonna use it it's to help someone out," I asked Annie, she nodded and passed me one. I let my vampire side take over and I saw a clear shot, I threw it in between a rude guy's fingers after lighting it. The great thing is, he didn't even notice after I did it so I raised my hand.
"Yes Miss Fox?" Mrs. Bird called and pointed to me.
"Drew is the one smoking," I said pointing to the jerk face.
"Drew! To the principal's office, now!" Mrs. Bird yelled and pointed to the door. This scene gave Alice time to put out her fire in her hand. I would ask her about it after class, what would make her hand light on fire?
"Because of Mr. Stevens bad idea, class is dismissed early so I can fix the smell, you all can go and have a break until next period," Mrs. Bird said and opened the door for Drew to leave and let us leave to the grounds so we don't disturb other classes. I ran up to Alice and tapped her shoulder, she spun around but as soon as her ever changing eyes landed on my purple ones she calmed down.
"What happened in class?" I asked quietly as we got outside and sat down on a bench, away from the rest of the class.
"I was talking to the new guy, Ryan, he's really cute and I guess I really got excited," Alice responded glancing at her hands in confusion, as if she herself didn't understand what had happened. I frowned I looked toward a group of people muttering and pointing to us, but as soon as I looked at them they stopped as soon as they could. I stood up and walked over to the group, I knew exactly what they were thinking when they saw me come towards them, and I didn't even have to have Alice tell me.
"Oh god here she comes, and she looks pissed," one boy muttered to a girl with red hair.
"Maybe because I am pissed off, what was going on in your minds that makes you point and whisper behind our backs, we didn't do anything to you so what gives you the right to talk about us?" I yelled glaring at all of them one at a time.
"Sorry we won't do it again next-" the red head started but I spun in her direction and let my eyes flash red for a second.
"There won't be a next time," I said darkly.
"S-Sorry just don't hurt us," the boy whimpered before running off with his friends. I turned around to Alice who looked stunned at what I had just done to protect us from embarrassment.
"Whoa I wasn't expecting that to happen," Alice said blinking a few times checking if she saw it correctly.
"Well it was for both of us, I watched them do this too many times to be fine with it, and I guess I just lost it," I trailed off near the end and with a nervous flick of my hand I moved my hair out of my face. Alice frowned at me with worried eyes, as if I was the one who was about to set the classroom on fire and it kind of made my aggravated, it's not like I have bat wings coming out of my back.
"Well I'm just worried about you," Alice responded as if reading my thoughts then she gasped,"wait what about Aiden! How is she doing is my question."
"I have no idea but she has different classes, like right now she has study hall at the beginning of the freaking day," I said looking toward the school, I sensed a strange aura with my heightened vampire senses, Alice picked up on it as well. My head snapped in her direction and I was met with her ever changing eyes, we both knew something was really wrong, it wasn't gonna end well for the monster.
(A/N) hey guys I'm so sorry for not updating I went through some personal problems so I just couldn't write for awhile. Love you all! Take care my lovelies

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now