Ch. 1

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When you feel like life can't hate you more, it always finds a way to fuck it up even more, I can tell from experience. My life was pretty normal, kind of boring but it was life. Now things are different. And weird.

'Dude, what the fuck are you doing?'

I was climbing in a random tree I saw on my way home and my friend was trying to keep me from dying. I was almost at the top, but the view was still blocked by leaves. Right now I was trying to get rid of the leaves in my view. I was holding onto a branch which was perhaps a little too thin to hold me but i couldn't care less.

I've done this kind of shit a thousand times, why would I fall this time? 

Because I'm fucking stupid, that's why.

The branch broke and by the time I realized I was already on my way down.

The moment I hit the ground I felt kinda surprised, but my friends on the other hand were screaming.



'Why the fuck would you call the fire brigade? If I died, shouldn't you be calling the ambulance or something?'

'Really? Thats the first thing you say when you almost fall to death?'

'It didn't even hurt, I'm still alive.' I jazz hands to show that I really didn't die and am in fact still alive.

I stand up and start walking towards our bikes. My friends join me and together we drive off towards Nora's house. On our way the conversation continues.

'We told you it was a bad idea. Why are you so damn stubborn? And by the way, why does it feel like we were more shocked than you were?'

'I'm just superior, I don't get hurt u know?'

'As long as you believe in it, you go girl, slaaayyyyy!'

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