The Sword Part 3

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I was sound asleep after finishing up my project for Lord Hordak all I needed to do was show him its success and I'll surely get the recognition, I want from him and Shadow Weaver. I was having a very nice dream until the witch of the Fright Zine woke me up.

Shadow Weaver: Y/N!!!

Yeah, right on cue.

My eyes snapped open before I groaned then rubbed my eyes. I saw Shadow Weaver making her way over to me as she looked at me with annoyance.

Shadow Weaver: Where are Catra and Adora?

Y/N: I don't know why?

Shadow Weaver: Their not in their rooms.

My eyes looked towards her in shock before I pulled up the security footage. It was both of them sneaking out of the Fright Zone and heading towards the Wild Woods.

Y/N: Wait. Why are they going to towards the Woods?

Shadow Weaver narrowed her eyes behind her mask before shifting her head towards me with a sneer.

Shadow Weaver: I want you to find them.

Y/N: Me? Why?

Shadow Weaver: Your only one the closest one to them, thus making you the perfect candidate.

Y/N: What about my project for Lord Hordak? I have to show him that it's working and ready for command.

Shadow Weaver: You wanted to prove yourself to me, right? Well, this is your only chance at that redemption.

I looked at her with an affirmative look before getting my weaponry.

Shadow Weaver: Remember. Fail this and the punishment will be high.

Y/N: Yes, Ma'am.

I gave her a mock salute and left the Fright Zone in a tank.


Two hours later I was travelling to try and find my two friends in the Woods I saw that there was a bunch of Rebellion soldiers. They fired on the Rebellion fortress I was driving my own tank and saw Adora rush up towards the tank with her brave face and told me to stop and in panic not wanting to run over friend number 1, I stopped the tank with the gun just several meters from her face as she stared at it with wide eyes. As I opened the hatch to reveal myself to her.

Adora POV:

Everything, was a lie. Everything Shadow Weaver and Hordak told us was a lie. The Rebellion wasn't evil... the Horde was. These people are innocent they have done nothing wrong we have to do something. Our new friends that we found they were named Bow and Glimmer with Glimmer being the princess of Bright Moon. They showed us the REAL Thaymor the people has done nothing wrong towaards the Horde. They welcomed us with open arms.

That is when a huge explosion happened making the people scream in panic. I saw several of the Hordes tanks and foot soldiers coming to destroy Thaymor most likely to find me and Catra.

I ran up towards one of them as to try and reason with the person inside of the tank and to my surprise it stopped completely the hatch was pushed opened and to my surprise it was...

Adora: Y/N!?

Y/N: Adora!

He jumped out of the tank and ran towards me and hugged me as I hugged back in relief.

Y/N: Are you ok? Did they hurt you?

Adora: I'm fine. They didn't hurt me or Catra, what are you doing here?

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