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The Fright Zone


I was walking toward Hordak's sanctum to check in like Shadow Weaver used to. I saw several things I've worked on during my childhood in this room. It was actually the first place I made G.I.R when Hordak was on his throne.

Y/N: Um, hello? Lord Hordak?

I saw the Imp that was always by Hordak's side. I can't remember exactly where he got it from. But it was his spy.

Hordak: State your purpose, Force Captain Y/N.

I awkwardly coughed then shifted my badge.

Y/N: Er, I thought we should touch base, like you used to with Shadow Weaver did. Figured we could establish a daily check in---

I was about to continue my rant until he cut me off.

Hordak: So, I'm to understand that you've disturbed me for no reason.

Y/N: N-no. I just came to tell you of my Omens and my other new robots for command. The Horde is in a better spot than ever----

I was about to continue only for him to cut me of again.

Hordak: Was squandering our advantage while the Whispering Woods regrew was apart of your plan?

He then pulled a lever next to him a glowered over me. A red force field covered the both of us.

Hordak: Was letting yourself captured? Etheria's atmosphere has proved to be a complicating variable in my experiments.

I felt my lungs squeeze in as I began to cough. I then began to gasp desperately trying to breathe as Hordak went around me like a predator.

Hordak: Tell me, Force Captain. How is your breathing?

He then grabbed my face as I struggled to breathe as I glared at him with my vision going blurry. I tried to say something only to choke on my own breath.

Hordak: Pathetic. Just like everything on this backwards planet. Do you know what the definition of of failure is, Force Captain?

He turned of the anti - oxygen machine making me breath let out a powerful exhale. I began to pant heavily then spat out on Hordak's floor.

Hordak: Failure is when something ceases to serve a purpose. When that happens, it becomes worthless to me. Thus, far your performance has been lacking as my second in command.

Y/N: I haven't failed yet. No one knows how to take the princesses better than me. Give me more time to finish my omen and other projects you'll see my worth. Trust me and let me prove that.

Hordak: You day you can defeat the Rebellion, boy? Prove it. You are dismissed.

I glared at him with utter hatred before storming out of his sanctum with his imp mocking me.

Imp: *Hordak's Voice* Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.


Y/N's Lab:

Normal POV:

They trio looked through the files as to the quickest way to gain more ground and defeat the Rebellion.

Y/N: Third Battalion is closest. If they move on Eralandia, the Rebellion will come to answer. We need to play this smart though.

Scorpia: Yeah, small problem. Um, the Third Battalion is refusing to fight. Because they don't have armour. They put in... where is it? Um, six requests for reshoot. Didn't you see these?

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