Moment Of Truth

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The Fright Zone:

Normal POV:


Hordak and Entrapta looked at each other happily until the doors behind them opened to reveal a blue light and two glowing red eyes. They figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal Y/N surprising Hordak and Entrapta, Y/N then walked in with a half his gang grinning while Adora was gagged and tied up.

Y/N: Didn't expect to see me, alive?

Entrapta: Cool. You have hooked swords, now?

Y/N: Yes and a gang that I now lead. Isn't that right, boys?

The gang cheered while 'Kyle' and the lizard woman appeared next to him.

Y/N threw the sword to the ground making Entrapta gasp in surprise.

Y/N: If you still want my help, Hordak. This sword is the key to the entire thing.

Entrapta: He makes sense. The sword that She - Ra uses is pure First Ones's tech, maybe the most powerful I've ever seen. All this time Adora has the key to the portal, and with Y/N back we'll finish this.

Y/N: But first I have a deal.

Hordak: What is it?

Y/N: I want the Crimson Waste to be mine.

Hordak: What?

Y/N: You want me out of the way. I don't want to be here anymore, so here's the deal. After the portal and contacting Horde Prime. We'll destroy the Rebellion. The Waste is nothing but desert with gangs. If you let me help make the portal we'll finally win. Do we have an agreement?

Hordak grunted before nodding at the terms.

Hordak: As long as your not in Horde Prime's way.

Le time skip:

Still Normal POV:

Y/N, Hordak and Entrapta were seen working on the portal. Y/N was busy welding the pieces together with his fire while Entrapta hooked up her sword.

Hordak: Must she be here?

Y/N: Think about it. She'll watch us succeed and her Rebellion friends crumble. This is bitter sweet and my revenge on the Rebellion for my people.

Hordak: I think your right, boy. She'll watch like the worthless thing she is.

Adora spat out her gag and tried to speak to Y/N.

Adora: Y/N! Please you can end this. Stop helping them! I know I hurt you but don't take it on Etheria!

Y/N: I don't care about you anymore. I'll make sure the Rebellion get what they deserve.

Hordak: Silence! Begin the process.

Adora: You... you took me away from my family, when I was a baby. You lied to me my whole life. About the Princesses, about Etheria, about who I am.

Hordak: I could not have lied to you about who you are. Because I never known nor cared for anyone as inconsequential as you.

Adora: You should care! Because I'm gonna make sure you fail!

Hordak then turned around angrily while Entrapta and Y/N watch him.

Hordak: I will not fail! You have no power to stop me. I am going to open that portal. And I'm going to use your sword as you watch your friends fall to wipe out the rest of your pathetic Rebellion once and for all!

His suit began to glitch and spark making him scream in pain and fall to the floor. Entrapta went up to him in concern while putting her hair on his shoulder only for him to growl and rip it off.

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