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Nyx's pov

I was woken up by Levi removing my handcuffs.

"What are you doing?" I asked groggily.

"Letting you move so I don't have to clean your blood up off the damn floor again." Levi said.

His eyes didn't hold the same hard glare anymore, it was more like a look of understanding.

"You saw one of my memories, didn't you?" I asked and he nodded. "It wasn't on purpose if you see it as a threat. That's never happened before."

"You've seen some shit and so have I. It's not a threat." Levi said. "Your food is there with your medicine."

I nodded as I placed the tray onto my lap.

"You know, that memory is one of the only ones I have left of my mum. It's always been quite a bitter memory, especially when I first came here." I began. "At first I had every intention of forgetting that day and what they wanted for me. I wanted to destroy you all for what your king did to my people 100 years ago, I wanted you to pay for the suffering of my family. I wanted to go back to Marley as a hero and bring some kind of honour back to my family. As time passed I realised that the people here were no different to the people I grew up with in the military. They didn't know anything about what was going on outside of the walls."

I paused to cough and catch my breath.

"Everyone here was so nice, the nicest that anyone had ever been to me. I was clutching at straws to try and justify what I had done and what I was going to do. I used any little thing that happened around me to convince myself that you guys were all devils even though I knew that wasn't true. It took me almost getting forced away to realise that I genuinely did want to stay. I really loved my time here after that." I said. "When I was taken back to Marley I hoped that I'd be able to come back somehow. Over the four years I realised that wasn't going to happen so I made a new life for myself. Now that I'm back here I'm worried that it won't be the same."

"This place doesn't change. Hanji wants to run a few tests and then move you back into the dorms with everyone else. Those brats we have want to see you so if you're up to it tomorrow morning then you can go." Levi said.

"You're just going to let me live normally?" I asked.

"You'll have to check in with Hanji weekly but you're in no state to be a threat so there's no point keeping you here." Levi said. "I'll be leaving with Zeke tomorrow so you'll be dealing with Hanji and Armin."

"Be careful." I said. "Zeke might claim to be on your side but the only one Zeke looks out for is himself."

"If he does anything I'll kill him." Levi said. "I promised Erwin I'd kill him."

"You don't get what I'm saying. Everyone within the walls are Eldian, they're all possible victims of Zeke." I said. "Remember what happened to Ragako? He can do that again."

"You gonna tell me what I should watch for or do I have to guess?" Levi said sarcastically.

"Eldian people can be transformed into titans by taking titan shifter spinal fluid into their bodies, it doesn't matter how they ingest it, drink it, inhale it, inject it, it all works the same, except for Zeke's. Normally you turn into a titan straight after it enters your body but with Zeke's you can ingest it without knowing or transforming. If you have Zeke's spinal fluid your transformation will be triggered by Zeke screaming." I explained.

"I though you didn't know how this worked." Levi said.

"That was four years ago, it was the first thing they explained to me when I got back. I did kind of command their military, It'd be stupid for me not to know." I said. "Just don't take things Zeke offers you or leave drinks around him unattended. I love him like a brother but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him."

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