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Although Hazel was still royally pissed off and hurt by Thomas's words last night, she still forced herself out of bed and made her way over to the betting shop where she knew he would be. It was Pollys birthday and she couldn't miss what they had planned for her.

She'd decided to make more of an effort on her appearance due to the occasion, but her mood hadn't been lifted, and her self esteem was still no where to be found. But still, she sighed slightly and knocked on the door of the betting shop knowing it would still be locked this early. She prayed that Thomas wouldn't be the one to answer the door.

Of course her prayers weren't answered.

"Morning." He mumbled, and Hazel wasn't surprised to already see an almost finished cigarette in his hand.

She stared up at him, before walking through the door way which he was partially blocking, sending him a glare as she squeezed past him, ignoring the inviting scent of his cologne.

"Morning Thomas!" He squeaked in a higher pitch to purposefully mock her voice and her lack of response.

"Don't be an arse." She scoffed, walking toward the office her and Lizzie worked in and opening her drawer, ratching through it unable to find her bottle of whiskey.

"Looking for this?" Thomas smirked, holding the bottle as he leant against the doorway.

"You've been going through my stuff?!" She exclaimed, storming over him and launching her hand forward to grab the bottle, cursing loudly when he lifted his arm up.

"I'm not a doll." She spat.

"I know. Just take the bottle." He raised his eyebrow, and Hazel huffed in response, standing on her tippy toes and reaching up to take the bottle.

Thomas used that time to wrap his free arm around her waist, and what he did next took her by surprise.

He slowly lowered his other arm, placing the bottle on the windowsill next to them, and then wrapped it around her- pulling her into a tight embrace.

She wished she had the power to push him off her and tell him how she was still angry. But she couldn't. When her head was buried into his neck and his strong arms were around her, she just couldn't.

Then she remembered the things he'd said to her last night- the way he'd said them. She remembered how she barely got any sleep because she was crying, and it was down to him. She then did what she really didn't want to do, but knew she should. She wriggled out of his grasp and pulled away, watching as his arms fell back down to his side.

Thomas's face was riddled with confusion, and he clenched his jaw in frustration as Hazel pushed him gently away, picking the bottle up and taking a swig from it.

"Stop it." He spoke darkly.

"No. You stop it. One day you're shitty to me and the next you're all soft and sweet. So don't ask me why I'm drinking so damn early, because you're the answer." She grumbled, shoving the bottle back into her drawer and slamming it shut "- don't go through my stuff ever again." She spoke coldly, pushing past him as she heard the shop begin to fill up.


Hazel was filled with relief when Polly finally entered the shop. She had spent the past two hours trying to avoid Thomas's very cold glares, and had to stop letting herself feel bad for pushing him away. He deserved it- if some thing doesn't go his way he really could act like a brat. She was sure even John, Arthur and Finn had picked up on the hostile tension between the pair, as they too relaxed when Polly entered the shop.

The room erupted in applause, and Hazel couldn't help but laugh at Pollys confused expressions. Thomas walked over to his aunt, wishing her a happy birthday, and Hazel followed over. "-Happy birthday Pol." She smiled brightly.

Dangerous Things | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now