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I knocked on the door of the Shelby household, my nerves turning into a swarm of butterflies. my mind couldn't help but drift to the thought that one of the Shelby boys may answer the door. I had never met them, but from the stories I heard I feared them. hell, I even feared Polly, but at least we knew each other well enough. She was my mothers best friend, they grew up together, born minutes apart. Polly was there for my mother when she gave birth to me, she was named my godmother, however we never spent enough time together to truly bond, due to the Shelby family moving on from the gypsy life and settling into business in Birmingham, whilst mine carried on travelling until I left at 14 to pursue my training as a nurse.

The sound of the door handle turning caused me to grip Katies hand tighter, and just my luck, a boy who looked similar to my age was the one who opened it.

"Ello love, can I help you" he breathed out as he stared me down, his eyes trailing around my body, causing a scarlett blush to creep over my cheeks.

"um, yes please" I cleared my throat and covered my nervousness up with a smile

"my name is Hazel Knightly, I'm looking for Polly Gray"

"well sweetheart, my names John Shelby. Polly's at church right now, so ill have to do" he looked up at me with a cheeky grin, before turning his attention to Katie and crouching down to her level

"and you are"? he flashed her a friendly smile, pinching her nose causing her to giggle. I smiled warmly at the encounter before clearing my throat again.

"This is Katie, my younger sister"

"What do you ladies need with Pol then ey?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"well believe it or not john, she's my godmother. Her best friend was my mother, Kathleen Knightly. I believe she babysat you and your brothers once or twice." I smirked at the last thought, she would always come home with wild stories about them

"well fuck me! Hazel Knightley, we thought you didn't even exist and your mother was crazy! we always asked to meet you but you never showed" he laughed, shock all over his face

"Yes well, she was very protective over me I suppose" I smiled fondly and then continued, "that's why I'm here. my mother passed just last week. the funerals being held off until word got to Polly, as no one wanted to face her anger if shed of missed it." I sighed, looking down at Katie sadly as I felt her cuddle into my leg.

"come inside girls, please" johns voice shifted to a quieter tone placing a hand on my shoulder leading me to a small living room. "your mother was a good woman. she helped teach us boys when the schools were starting to get sick of us, and she made the best cups of tea." he reached for his cap and took it off, "I'm sorry for your loss" he finished, looking back up at me

"mummy had beautiful golden hair, just like mine!" Katie giggled, beaming up at john proudly.

the sound of the door opening and two female voices interrupted us, I spun around and was turned to face polly gray herself. her proud and confident aura was never changing, if anything, it had grown stronger. "Hello, Pol"

As I smiled at her, a small gasp left her lips "Hazel! Hazel fucking Knightley all grown up in my fucking house! come here my child! she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug, giving me a wide grin as I realised just how much I had missed her.

She then proceeded to pick Katie up, twirling her around and pinching her rosy cheeks. I never understood why pollys children were taken away from her, she was a perfect mother figure.

I turned and smiled at the other girl, she was a bit taller than me with short brown hair.

"you must be Ada" I smiled out, reaching my hand out to shake hers, but she grabbed it instead and pulled me into a hug. I laughed. who would of thought the Shelby family could be so... nice?

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